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Lakes Itinerary

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  • Lakes Itinerary

    For those attending this years Lake's, please see itinerary....

    Marlin Owners Lakes Invasion 2008

    9am Arrive at chapel street car park Appelby ( Go into Appelby main street heading up the hill take first right into chapel street then follow the road round to car park)

    9.30am Prompt, Leave car park in convoy but with directions if you get lost.

    10.30am Coffee stop £2.50 per head.

    12 noon Lunch 1.5 hours stop.

    1.30pm Leave lunch stop.

    3.00pm Coffee stop ½ hour.

    3.30pm Leave lunch stop and head home we will stop along the way to say goodbye to the day drivers.

    5.30pm Arrive back at campsite.

    8.00pm Meal at Kings arms pub temple Sowerby.

    11pm Party back at Sue’s tent ????.

    10.00am Meet at Reghed Car park.

    10.30am Leave reghed in Convoy .

    10.45am Coffee stop

    11.15am Leave coffee stop

    1.15pm Arrive at lunch stop

    1.50pm Steam train leaves £7.50 per passanger

    2.30pm Arrive at stop

    3.20pm Train leaves for home

    3.50pm Arrive back at station

    4.15pm Leave station

    5.30pm BBQ on side of a Lake

    Please feel free to bring a picnic with you both days if you wish.

    Please bring BBQ food with you for Sunday I will supply the BBQ’s.
