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  • #16
    Originally posted by rhysnolan View Post

    As well as that he had omitted to put back the very rare splined washer! Bearings either replaced, or regreased properly.
    I now have the V5 on it's way, that will be a relief.
    I now need to buy the new calipers, pads etc. Everything apart from that (and the lack of the splined washer) is back where it belongs, cleaned up, rust removed and treated and back on wheels so that I can move it around again. Rubber fuel lines are all replaced and with the advice to reroute the on on the carbs I did that to minimise heat.
    The right hand side top arm has the spacers the wrong way round according to the manual, so another to add, while it's out I'll use a rebuild kit as there is a bit of slack.
    Next task, remove the clutch slave cylinder and have a look. The starter is still with the auto electrician so no movement on that.
    I have some splined washers. On delving through the spares department I found 2 that are 38mm diameter and 3 that are 28mm. I probably have more as there are a lot of front hubs. I have converted 2 Marlins to trials spec with the van hubs that have the larger PCD I suspect the smaller washers are off the car hubs and the larger ones from the van ones. The splines are the same.
    I will try and post a photo. Hopefully My technobravado is up to it. If you PM me I can get some to you if you still need them.
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    • #17
      Should keep you busy for a while! My philosophy is “do it once do it right”! So get poly bushes from the start. You will only end up paying more in the long run to do it twice. Not familiar with availability for the Roadster but I am a long term fan of Superflex bushes for my Hunter (Cabrio). I would give the brakes a thorough overhaul with new seals as a minimum, but again complete replacement cylinders are the best option and the safest! I would bin that handbrake cable and replace with new if at all possible. General surface rust can be cleaned up, treated and painted, but safety critical items like brakes and steering should definitely not be skimped. Hope the project goes well. You will find a lot of good advice on here from the Roadster members.

      Edit: For some reason some forum posts appear with the first post at the top, not the most recent, so my reply might be superseded by now! My comments still apply though, even if superseded! Peter.
      Last edited by greyV8pete; 29-08-23, 07:22 PM.


      • #18
        Thanks for your comments Peter, yes I am ahead of your advice so far. Make it stop, make it handle, then make it go is my philosophy.


        • #19
          Originally posted by T_Branson View Post

          I have some splined washers. On delving through the spares department I found 2 that are 38mm diameter and 3 that are 28mm. I probably have more as there are a lot of front hubs. I have converted 2 Marlins to trials spec with the van hubs that have the larger PCD I suspect the smaller washers are off the car hubs and the larger ones from the van ones. The splines are the same.
          I will try and post a photo. Hopefully My technobravado is up to it. If you PM me I can get some to you if you still need them.
          Tony, you are a gem. I will PM you when I have measured the OD. What a huge relief!


          • #20
            NEXT! Can somebody advise what the radiator hoses are from for the Marina based car. The build manual that I downloaded just says "original modified". Original what?


            • #21
              For my B series Marlin I have used standard Marina hoses. I cut the top one to fit a sensor for the electric fan. It does of course depend on the radiator you are using and where the input and output tubes are

