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Calling automatic gearbox expertise, please.

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  • Calling automatic gearbox expertise, please.

    Specifically the Ford A4LDE box as fitted to the Ford Scorpio. I'd really like to know what does what, as it were, on the selector mechanism. The selector shifts the gears mechanically....the lever pushes / pulls a rod which does the business, but there is also also a 16 pin multiplug. Two wires go to a microswitch .....two go the overdrive select switch on the selector lever....the remaining 12, in groups of 4, connect to the "E", "S", and "*☆", which equate to Economy, Sport and Frost modes. Presumably, of the 4 wires to each mode switch two light the indicator and two instruct the ECU. What does the little micro switch do? It was disconnected (wires cut) as were the O/D switch wires. What problem am I like to encounter if I reconnect them both?
    Anyone knowledgeable or able to point me in an appropriate direction?

  • #2
    Having slept on it, I think I have the answer. Is it the switch that controls the reversing light? Easy to check, too.

