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Has anyone been out in their Marlin?

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  • Has anyone been out in their Marlin?

    It is a lovely sunny day here although very cold.
    Gwynevere is on sorn until March otherwise I would have taken her out.

  • #2
    Not today, I need to get new tyres before I go out in the cold or I would have. They're pretty lethal if it's damp as they're quite old now.
    BMW E30 Sportster 2005 - M20B28 - Build Log and Updates


    • #3
      I took the Cabrio out yesterday to the museum I volunteer at. A bit chilly at 9:00am when I left but lovely when I returned about 1:00pm. Total journey time was less than an hour but at least it sloshed some oil around the engine and gave the battery a good charge.


      • #4
        Don't understand why you'd want to sorn any classic and miss out on potentially good days drive!


        • #5
          There haven't been many good days during Autumn and Winter!


          • #6
            Agreed, but there could have been!


            • #7
              The sun was finally out today and dry roads too, so I went for a drive in my Hunter around the local hills. Great to hear the V8 soundtrack again! As usual a post winter gremlin to sort out. The driver’s side window switch now refuses to operate it. It went down but now refuses to move either way! It is usually the passenger side window that plays up so at least a bit of variety to keep me amused. As the ammeter needle doesn’t kick when the switch is pressed it’s got to be a poor terminal connection. Will start with plan A, the motor spade terminals first as easiest to do. If no joy then plan B, the dash switch push on bullet connectors.


              • #8
                Whenever I have had window problems, it has always been the switch at fault. Look out for springs and things if you dismantle it, to clean off the crud. Unfortunately my switches are directly where rain drips in occasionally!


                • #9
                  I drove the Hunter out to the Apple County KC club monthly meeting on Sunday morning , chilly but dry roads and a 60 mile round trip to Sweets Cafe on the Somerset levels South of Glastonbury. A lot of lying water on the fields and the dykes were very full, but no road flooding. Winter gremlins? The horn isn't working. On the way home stopped to help a friend in distress. His Porche had run out of petrol.....
                  so, asGeoff says, got the oil sloshing around again and enjoyed a lovely drive. Cleaned the car before putting it away, it'll get a good polish once the warmer weather's here.


                  • #10
                    Hope the warmer weather comes soon, had to de-ice car again this am (not a Marlin)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by greyV8pete View Post
                      The sun was finally out today and dry roads too, so I went for a drive in my Hunter around the local hills. Great to hear the V8 soundtrack again! As usual a post winter gremlin to sort out. The driver’s side window switch now refuses to operate it. It went down but now refuses to move either way! It is usually the passenger side window that plays up so at least a bit of variety to keep me amused. As the ammeter needle doesn’t kick when the switch is pressed it’s got to be a poor terminal connection. Will start with plan A, the motor spade terminals first as easiest to do. If no joy then plan B, the dash switch push on bullet connectors.
                      Fixed the window gremlin today. Broken wire in the door jamb due to the split flexible trunking having broken in half, so the wires have been repeatedly bent to and fro until the green one snapped. All now fixed and the trunking taped securely together. I don’t like the original design of this but a very thin smear of silicone grease on the ribbed trunking now allows it to slide easily in the hole in the end of the dashboard instead of sticking and kinking. IMG_2847.jpg


                      • #12
                        Great that it was a simple fix.

