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Plea for pictures - alternator mounting

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  • Plea for pictures - alternator mounting

    Does anyone have any pictures of the alternator mounting for the B-series engine? My car used to have a dynamo which was already a very close fit to the steering UJ.
    I want to fit an alternator now but beggining to wonder if it will fit in! Alternators tends to be fatter and shorter than a dynamo.

    Cheers, Robin

  • #2
    Hi Robin. I will take a photo of my Lucas Alternator tomorrow for you. Incidentally the Bosch alternator from that era has the same mounting points as the Lucas. So you can use either.


    • #3


      • #4
        Standard Marina alternator (16-ACR if memory serves) fits snugly but belt length matters! I think Marina belts for B-series came in 915mm (early) and 950mm (late) - you'll probably want the shorter of the 2. There is also a 900mm for early MGB, which is tight to get over the pulleys (ask me how I know).
        Marlin Roadster, LWB...1860 B Series + Ford Type 9
        Renault Espace 54mm front calipers, vented discs, cycle wings and adjustable tie-bars.


        • #5
          The V belts came in many sizes, and part numbers were often their length. I used a shorter belt to squeeze in an alternator instead of dynamo on Triumph 6, front is very close to sides. So should be able to get one that works....
          Alternator mounts are typically shorter in length than dynamo, but details vary. I cut up a Ford mount to move alternator higher on a different kit, (Ford V6 engine) and used angle iron and a bit of welding to get to nearest block mountings. Didn't look very pretty, but it didn't break either, so did the job.


          • #6
            This is the info from the build manual.

            Mk2 SWB Marina Roadster with a 1800 Fiat Twin Cam engine and 5 speed Abarth gearbox built in 1987
            - I have no idea what I am talking about........ but my advice is always free! -


            • #7
              Thanks all.
              I am intending to use a small and lightweight Denso alternator, in an attempt to keep the weight down (lol), so it seems there shouldn't be a problem.
              Interesting that the MGB belt is 900mm. I have actually ordered an off the shelf 900mm V belt but if that doesn't sit well in the pulleys I can use the MGB one.

              Cheers, Robin


              • #8
                Hi Robin

                I am happy to post you some photo's of my Lucas alternator on my 1.8 B series and also the belt length that actually fits ok. However if you plan yo use the Denso then surely the Lucas photos and belt size will be pointless?

                Do you still wish me to crawl under the car as the adjustment bracket is best viewed from below?


                • #9
                  Most of the Mg specialists [ MGBhive etc] have a Dynamo to alternator conversion bracket if that helps


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Ye Ol Ripper View Post
                    Hi Robin

                    Do you still wish me to crawl under the car as the adjustment bracket is best viewed from below?
                    Thanks but not necessary unless you want an excuse to play with the car

                    I am now happy that the alternator should fit ok.I had been reviewing pictures I took before the dissasembly and there just didn't seem enough space...
                    Last edited by martinclan56; 26-02-25, 09:21 AM.

