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Cracked Head

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  • Cracked Head

    Message originally posted by: Don
    What I had initially diagnosed as a head gasket failure has not been resolved, by changing the head Gasket, steam is still pouring out of the exhaust, and when I take the plug out of number one cylinder steam pours out like a kettle.

    Any suggestions welcome.

    (Engine B-series with a high lift cam and double valve springs.)

  • #2
    Re: Cracked Head

    Experienced similair some years back with Volvo 340 turned out to be cracked cylinder liner[wet liner] It consumed water faster than I could get in in the radiator!


    • #3
      Re: Cracked Head

      If memory serves me right the B head was prone to cracking between the ex. and inlet valve seats. Worth a check, especially if the head has been reworked.


      • #4
        Re: Cracked Head

        Message originally posted by: Don
        Yep it has been reworked. (unleaded inserts gas flowed.) My problem is that Although I can change a head I do not at the moment have the space or the facilities to change an engine.

        Joy of joys I have a spare head! The problem is that the engine has a Piper 285 cam fitted, (Way OTT) so the standard head won't work because the valve lift is too great, the only option I seem to have is to have the spare head machined up to the spec of the last one. But at the moment I can't spare the funds to do that.

        Long term I want to ditch the B series lump anyway and fit something "nice" along with a 5 speed box, perhaps now is the time to bite the bullet and go for it.

        Thoughts at the moment are on a Ford pinto or DOHC 2.0 with a type 9 or mt75 box. But although I can find them in good running condition (MT75 boxes last for ever, had one on a 150K plus car and the gearchange was still like new, oiltight too)cheap there is still a new exhaust to be had plus propshaft, welding new engine mounts....

        Get depressed thinking about it.


        • #5
          Re: Cracked Head

          Message originally posted by: Sue Roedel (MOC Editor)
          Come on Don, cin up. At least you can do the work yerself! Hope you can still make Stoneleigh under whatever steam you can....

