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banning older cars

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  • banning older cars

    Message originally posted by: Derek Scaysbrook
    I have found this whilst looking for something else I think we all need to sign it as this could sound the death nell to the use of cars over 10 years

    The passage below is the header for the petition

    Several EU proposals across the years are dangerous to the classic car movement. One that has been under consideration is to ban the use of cars older than 10 years. Similarly, Edinburgh City Council is considering the banning of cars over 15 years old from the town centre. These, and similar, proposals directly threaten the classic car movement, and encourage the manufacture of new cars, with the attendent environmental issues of sourcing raw materials, manufacturing, distriuting and scrapping the spiralling supply of new vehicles.

    This link should take you to the petition if you would like to sign it

    I was a member forgot to renew

  • #2
    Re: banning older cars

    Hi Derek.

    I don't think it'll happen.

    I believe it's been shown pretty conclusively that older cars are, overall, more environmentally friendly than new ones simply due to the huge amount of energy consumed building replacement vehicles! If you keep your car on the road for longer, there will be an energy saving - ergo an environmental benefit.


    • #3
      Re: banning older cars

      You are assuming that the legislation makers are intelligent enough to understand your good logic. Reality is different. The chance of a sound byte and a sniff of another tax is not missed these days.
      Most politicians are ignorant of even the basic understanding of any conjoint economic, engineering or scientific ideas. The god of fame, self importance and power over others totally rules their megalomaniac actions.
      Still, what do I know? Being retired military I am not supposed to have a view!

      Marlin Berlinetta 2.1 Efi


      • #4
        Re: banning older cars

        Derek I think you are right. We now have a Prime Minister who does not drive and Ruth Kelly as Transport Minister who does not appear to have much idea of anything let alone classic vehicles


        • #5
          Re: banning older cars

          Message originally posted by: Sue Roedel (MOC Editor)
          I've just signed and will add something to the next Pitstop. It seems a ridiculous proposal. Some people can't actually afford to change their car and others just probably don't want to. I'm with Donnie. Will they ban old people from city centres next because they walk too slowly and hold up queues?

