Have a problem with my Fiat T/C engined Marlin. It has a misfire on tickover once warm and will not start if turned off when warm. I have put electronic ignition on it with new plugs and leads. It has an electronic fuel pump. The plugs look lean. The air filter ( Pipercross ) has no warm air fed to it so icing of the carb is a possibility. I have ordered some Silkolene FST which is supposed to stop it. Has anyone had problems like this with non standard air filters ? If so what did you do ? Martin.
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Carb icing
Re: Carb icing
Hi Liz and Hugh.Thanks for posting. I put a new thermostat from Guy Croft in around May. Changed plugs on Exeter four times ! Each time they were grey / white looking very lean. The main jets in Webber are the corect size - This made me think it was icing. Poss. restricting flow through jets ? Also tick over went up to 1500 from 1100. If left for 10 mins or so it will start with no problems... heat from engine warming carb ? In a 132 the air box would have taken warm air from just above the ex. Manafold. Martin
Re: Carb icing
It sounds as though you have an air leak, possibly from a flange or carb spindles, which as the engine warms opens up and increases the effect. Was the thermostat a Fiat one in the hose or one fitting on top of the head? If it's the one on the head a standard BMC 1800 one fits.
Re: Carb icing
Hi Hugh, The thermostat is in the head so thanks for the BMC tip. I have ordered some Silkolene FST so will try that with optimax fuel. If no good then your air leak sounds favourite.I will get a carb re build kit. Regards, Martin. Want to get it sorted for the Lands End.