On my Fuel niggle tread Donnie asked if I would up-load an image of my new dashboad and here it is along with the before, oh my god what have I done! and the after. There remains the issue of the best way to fill in the blank at the left hand end of the panel; a problem that impacts most Ital based cars, probably some of the Marinas too. The dash is made from a formica like faced MDF board sold in my case by Europa Spares; not cheap but quite robust and easily worked with standard hand tools. The circles wre cut by the only special tool I bought which was a cool bit of kit from Screwfix and cost around £30 but does save a vast amount of filing and cuts seriously prcise holes. The board also responds very well to jigsaw attack when fitted with a fine blade - special downward cutting blades are not necessary. The job is one for the stout hearted 'cause in my case the old dash and the replacement new one were absolute buggers to remove and re-fit. Still it's done now and I'me very happy with the end result - a much cleaner looking dash. On a design note, I took a digital photo of the old dash imported it into Photoshop. Then I cut out each of the gauges, switches and lights and assigned each one to an individual layer. I also assigned a photo of the new dash panel material to a layer. I then erased part of this photo so that it covered superimposed)only the area of the old dash. This meant that I could move each gauge around until I found a layout that I was happy with and would prove ergonomically satisfactry. I could then look at an image that was exactly like how the dash would look when installed - no nasty suprises! It also gave me a good idea of how the various connections on the wiring loom were going or not going to reach the gauges, switches or lights in their new locations. Well worth the effort if you have access to suitable software and expertise, well not much expertise required 'cause I can do it!!!
Hope this rant will prove helpful to some of you Marlineers and if you'd like any more info I'd be delighted to help.
Cheers Alan
Hope this rant will prove helpful to some of you Marlineers and if you'd like any more info I'd be delighted to help.
Cheers Alan