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  • Hood

    Does anyone know what to use to restore my hood and make it black again , also where to buy it.

  • #2
    Re: Hood

    Hi Lee
    I've tried both Renovo and Autoglym hood restorer in the past on fabric hoods with only limited success in the reproofing stakes though both do bring the 'blackness' back for a while.I think Renovo also do one for Vinyl roofs as well but can't comment on its effectiveness.


    • #3
      Re: Hood

      Lee, if your hood is fabric I have a good cheap and effective tip for you. I tried Renovo which is expensive and not very long lasting. I got the following method from a pre-war Practical Motorist magazine. Use linseed oil coloured with black shoe polish. Try a rounded teaspoon of polish in about half a standard size soup or baked bean tin. I found it mixed quickly by putting it in the microwave for a few seconds and stiring. Here again, it doesn't last forever but it's cheap, rain-proofs the hood and gives it colour again. OK, it makes the car and garage pong like a cricket bat for a while but it is worth it. Let me know how you get on.
      Franklin, Leicester


      • #4
        Re: Hood

        I've used Renovo with a tent waterproofer and it seems to work. Probably best to do it every year or two though. Needs a couple of coats.


        • #5
          Re: Hood

          I should not have said use a tin and then put it in the microwave - use a glass jar or warm it up over a radiator to melt the shoe polish into the linseed oil. Also, brush it on with a one inch brush. Leave the car outside if possible to aid drying which may take several hours or overnight. If your hood is faded and dead looking as mine was, it will cheer it up well.
          Franklin, Leicester


          • #6
            Re: Hood

            Hi Lee,
            I used Renovo on the original black hood that was on my Berli, it did turn a grey hooh into a black one !!
            It is available from Saab dealers and I found this was cheaper than buying it from my local factor. I have half a bottle left over and you are very welcome to it - give me a ring


            • #7
              Re: Hood

              I always buy mine at Stoneleigh.

