Anyone got on tips as to how to remove the steering lever from the suspension upright ( swivel pin ) ? The Haynes manual shows an item "key for lever" that appears to be a small half round piece of material - what is that about ? I can see a keyway but cant see anything in it ?
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Steering Lever
Re: Steering Lever
Slacken the nut so that it protects the thread then carefuly hit it with a hammer preferably a copper one.Once it moves you can then take off the nut and remove the lever and catching the half round key.This is a woodruff key and that stops the lever turning in its hole and should be replaced if its missing.Ben Caswell probably not the last word on anything here!!
Re: Steering Lever
Hi Amgas. I am still holding a few spares bought from YKC when they sold up, and I am pretty sure there are some steering levers in the stuff that's left. So give me a ring if you want some new ones. My number is in the mag. [under Treasurer] Brian.