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Redbourne road this morning.

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  • Redbourne road this morning.

    Who was that who waved at me from the rather pretty Berli (or was it a Cabrio?) This morning? I didn't recognize the car.

  • #2
    Re: Redbourne road this morning.

    Hi Don,
    Thanks for the enthusiastic greeting this morning - I couldn't stop smiling all the way to Bedford! I've seen you once or twice before but I've not been driving the right car.
    The car is a Berli and we have been 'terrorising' St Albans together since last May. Not my own build, but slowly undergoing a running restoration.
    It's good to know there are other Marlineers in the area. Would be happy to meet up for a beer/coffee if you're interested.
    Happy motoring.


    • #3
      Re: Redbourne road this morning.

      This is what the forum is all about - lovely.
      Well done Sue (and others) for all your hard work to make it all work.


      • #4
        Re: Redbourne road this morning.

        You're very welcome! I am delighted it is so successful. One of the best decisions we have made I think.


        • #5
          Re: Redbourne road this morning.

          Hi Jim yes a bevvy sounds great.

          donsayers<at, remember to remove this bit>gmail<dot>com


          • #6
            Re: Redbourne road this morning.

            Heavens to Betsy - is this the beginnings of a breakaway splinter group from SHEB. A couple of years back I did a treasure hunt around here for SHEB. Are there enough of us in this area to run another (ending at a pub of course). Is there enough interest?


            • #7
              Re: Redbourne road this morning.

              Just to allay your fears, Don and I met for a drink last night and didn't, in the end, decide to form a splinter group - talking cars proved more interesting.
              In fact, Don was adamant that attendance at the next SHEB gathering was essential to my sanity and future well being, so I'll see you there.


              • #8
                Re: Redbourne road this morning.

                OI you wont get rid of us from the sowff that easy yno. Can I have a pic of my car with the PM's daughter?
                Ben Caswell probably not the last word on anything here!!


                • #9
                  Re: Redbourne road this morning.

                  ignore the bit about pics of PM daughter. OOps wrong chancellor.
                  Ben Caswell probably not the last word on anything here!!


                  • #10
                    Re: Redbourne road this morning.

                    Can I have some of what you are on Ben, please?

