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Steering HELP!!!

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  • Steering HELP!!!

    Hi all me again

    The roadster is very very near completion the body panels are about to go to the sprayers the brakes and clutch are sorted the engine runs and most of the electrics are wired in. It will be on the road by next Friday (as that's when my old car is going)

    Yesterday I was moving the car about the drive and realised that for some reason I the steering locks left and right were different. As in I could put 1 and a half turns to the full lock left and only one turn to the right.

    Any ideas? I have already checked if when turning right there is anything fowling on any of the rods but cant see anything.

    All the best

  • #2
    Re: Steering HELP!!!

    See answer 26/01/08 in Roadster


    • #3
      Re: Steering HELP!!!

      It sounds like one track rod end has been screwed right home on the end of the rack and the other end is only on by a few turns. These need equalising with the rack in its central position.
      Unfortunately the triumph rack doesnt usually have a referencc hole as mention in above answer. To find the centre position turn the steering fully one way then mark the steering wheel. Then by counting the turns find the middle position. You will then need to wind up one track rod end and wind out the other to bring the wheels back to straight ahead. It would be advisable to check the amount of thread is equal in each track rod end. You may have to also disconnect the column to reposition the steering wheel.
      Dont reposition the steering wheel on the top slines of the column as you will upset the auto cancel on the indicators.
      Ben Caswell probably not the last word on anything here!!

