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Berlinetta doors cracking and splitting - any fixes?

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  • Berlinetta doors cracking and splitting - any fixes?

    During the build of my car in 1988 the Roads and Traffic Engineer insisted on intrusion bars in the doors to comply with local standards. The weight of these bars has obviously caused problems including splitting of one of the window frames at the base (a common problem, I gather), samll splits along the top seam and worst of all the rear window channel in the door becoming disengaged from the door causing a rattle.

    Has anyone experienced the last problem and/or has a fix for it apart from taking the door apart and rewelding with the obvious consequences of a repaint of the door?


  • #2
    Re: Berlinetta doors cracking and splitting - any fixes?

    Hi Alastair. Had the problem with doors cracking. Stripped door down completely and took to a local engineering firm in Ashbourne. A chap welded it for me and I picked it up the next day. Cost £30 Just had to retouch paint. I think someone skilled will find it no problem. Regards Liz


    • #3
      Re: Berlinetta doors cracking and splitting - any fixes?

      Hi Alastair,
      I have repaired my berli doors this week, i re-welded them then cut away the inside corner and re-inforced them then re-welded the corner so they should never crack again. I also re-made the hinges with new s/steel pins with a turning on that allow the grease to get into them.


      • #4
        Re: Berlinetta doors cracking and splitting - any fixes?

        My doors were pretty badly split. I spent a fortune on having them re-welded and one has gone again. Have them welded and reinforced like Lee says and then make sure you don't slam the door ever again!


        • #5
          Re: Berlinetta doors cracking and splitting - any fixes?

          Sounds like no easy fix except to take the doors apart. Many thanks to all those who replied.



          • #6
            Re: Berlinetta doors cracking and splitting - any fixes?

            Hi Alastair, It is reported regularly that members have found door cracks,and I think the answer lies in the fact that the grease nipples in the hinge need to be serviced regularly. These are cheap hinges, made from ordinary steel bar, rotating in a steel hinge, and open to the elements, consequently, the surfaces of the pin and hinge, get wet and rust. The corrosion builds up and reduces clearance, and ultimately movement. But you still want to open the door, and when the hinge is seized, and won't turn,then the turning moment is transferred to the neighbouring metal, ie the door. Strain is imposed on the weld and material, and eventually it cracks, under fatigue. Even if you put strenthening plates in, unless your hinges are moving the problem still exists. So once repaired, grease your nipples or you'll have to do it again.


            • #7
              Re: Berlinetta doors cracking and splitting - any fixes?

              Hi Brian
              I must remember to grease my nipples, especially before I put a frock on!
              Seriously though, I use the car almost every day and have never greased the nipples yet and I haven't had any problem with the hinge (of course the weather here is a little better than UK) However, the extra weight caused by the intrusion bars has doubled the weight of the door, caused the rear window channel to detach from inside the door and cracked the doors along the top. When the hood's down, you don't notice the rattling!
              Thanks everyone for your advice.

              Big Al


              • #8
                Re: Berlinetta doors cracking and splitting - any fixes?

                Hi Alastair,
                Lotus used a type of glue for alloy, epoxy or whatever.
                I have seen the repair on a Berly door carried out using the product. Results have been excellent, and of course no damage to the paintwork.


                • #9
                  Re: Berlinetta doors cracking and splitting - any fixes?

                  I know this thread is ancient but as more Berlis get restored its worth having the info bumped up a bit.
                  I bought my Berli with the intention of restoring it - however it isnt a bad car; seems really well put together with a few small improvements that I can make. There were only two major problems - the paint and the sagging passenger door. I have now begun to strip it down and have started to look in earnest at the door. What I think has happened - and the above comments seem to bear this out - is that one of the hinges has seized and that has put a huge strain on the ally door skin where it bolts to. I thought I could get away with a bit of reinforcement and some chewing gum but today I have really got to grips with it and begun to to make a U channel reinforcing bar to go behind the hinges. All was well until I started putting it all together. As I pushed the U channel in (it was mm perfect) I noticed that the leading edge of the door had a long split in it - covered by some of the aforementioned (very thick) paint and plenty of filler. So I'm left with a couple of options - either source another door or have the existing one welded (I cant weld ally). Unless someone has a better idea??

