I have just finished refurbishing the front suspension on roadster. This involved stripping the whole front suspension. Whilst trying to undo the top ball joints, ( both sides ) this proved impossible ( nut splitter involved ) the nut was just going round along with the taper of the ball joint, yes even with the nut and lock tab washer in place it was still lose in the taper. ( just nipping ) Now you might think the previous person just hadn't tightened it enough. This was not the case the taper sits just proud when inside the top arm, the tab washer sits on this little shoulder so when the nut is tightened it only tightens down to the tab washer. This was solved buy placing a washer over the taper so after tightening the new nut down the taper was tight.
Has anyone else come across this problem!!!
Has anyone else come across this problem!!!