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Latest Pitstop stuff.

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  • Latest Pitstop stuff.

    First, I'm still reeling from news of Lee's Berli. I hadn't been aware of what had happened, so the tale and the photos were highly shocking - perhaps the issue should have come with a warning on the cover... Scary stuff, and very sad. It WAS looking good

    The other issue I'd like to comment on (tho' it might be too late, and it's my fault for not going to Stoneleigh...) is the possible decision to make the forum members-only.

    There's at least a couple of reasons why I, personally, wouldn't like this to happen: I used to be a member of the NG Owners' Club, and will be again when I start to renovate my NG TF which has been sitting under a tarp for the past three years. However, their forum is open to all, and I have contributed to it both as a member and non-member all this time, usually to offer assistance but also to ask for advice. I like to think I have been able to contribute usefully to it, and it would have been a shame if I hadn't been able to this just because I wasn't currently a member.

    Similarly, there will come a point in the not-too-distant-future when I will no longer be a member of this club as the Berli will have to go to finance the restoration of the NG (I know, I know...). I'd hate the thought I'd no longer be able to contribute to the MOC forums because of this; although it would be unlikely I'd need to ASK for assistance any more (as I have often done in the past - thanks all!!!) there could very well still be instances where I would be able to OFFER help and advice.

    I think it's in the 'nature' of kit car owners to be extremely willing to help fellow kit car peeps regardless even of the make of car! I'd like to think the forum could continue in the manner it is currently doing so - I think it's in the 'spirit' of kit car owners that anyone can come on and ask for assistance, and they'd likely have people falling over themselves to offer to do so.

    These are my personal thoughts.

    Oh, the NG mag isn't quite as nice quality as the MOC one, but it's perfectly ok! The paper isn't as glossy, and for some reason (perhaps because of the paper quality, or perhaps cost?) they only use colour on the outside covers. It's perfectly good, tho', and it's what's inside that counts (and MOC wins there too!)

  • #2
    Re: Latest Pitstop stuff.

    I have to disagree with Donnie's comments. It's not a lot of cash when you consider the benefits of all that information out there, who knows you could well end up spending more trying to solve a problem that someone already has an answer too.
    I'm sure that I'm not the only [in my case ex] member of the committee who has answered innumerable phone calls and Forum queries on various aspects of Marlin ownership, not all of which are from members.
    Let's not forget that anyone , member or not can attend the shows and can come along to any of the weekends and be made welcome.
    Membership gets you 6 copies of 'Pitstop' , thats it pretty much, so don't those that pay deserve a little more?
    Incidently, I've not received the latest copy of magazine, have i said the wrong thing?


    • #3
      Re: Latest Pitstop stuff.

      Hi Alan. Thanks for the reply - it's good to hear a different side of the argument.

      It strikes me that people posting on the forum are already indicated as being 'members' or 'non-members', and we can all choose whether to respond based on this alone should we wish - I dare say peeps WILL go the 'extra' mile for actual members.

      As I said above, once I sell my Berli and my membership lapses - and I renew my NG one - this forum will then effectively be closed to peeps like myself - willing to offer help, but unable to do so.

      Funnily (peculiarly...) enough, I've just bought a 2CV and immediately searched out the Owners' Club on the web. Jeepers, they don't even allow you to PEEP at their forum until you join. My gut reaction is not to bother.


      • #4
        Re: Latest Pitstop stuff.

        Perhaps the answer is to allow open access to only some areas of the forum.

        So members can access all areas, but access to certain areas are restricted if you are not a member. A lot of forums allow access to general chat and information but limit access to detailed technical areas and classified ads to members only. I know on the Triumph six club the ads are only released to non members after two months from first insertion and detailed technical areas are locked down. This gives the members first grabs before the ads go public and expert technical advice if they are prepared to pay. In my case when I was looking for a TR6 this feature alone made me stump up the cash to become a member as it gave me access to good used cars the moment they were put up for sale and the knowledge I needed to spot the bad cars when I saw them.

        Just a thought, there should always be some middle ground that suits everyone.



        • #5
          Re: Latest Pitstop stuff.

          Firstly, just to say i like the new paper and printing of the latest issue. Much better contrast and the pictures look superb, well done.
          On the subject of electronic distribution, why not just email the magazine to members and keep the forum open to all? You can also use the email distribution list to alert members to updates, important announcements and events on the website for people who don't check regularly.



          • #6
            Re: Latest Pitstop stuff.

            I SUSPECT the latest issue didn't yet have the 'new' type of paper - the NG mag is not as glossy as the current MOC type.

            I could be completely wrong, of course! The last NG mag I received was a year ago, so they might have changed theirs too! Certainly the current Pitstop is superb quality, but I can see the need to cut costs if necessary.


            • #7
              Re: Latest Pitstop stuff.

              Remember that not all members are online, and even those who are don't all have access to broadband. As an online mag. would be a fair download it would disadvantage some members.
              Does producing the mag. in smaller quantities decrease the overall cost significantly or will the saving be eaten up by the increased cost per mag.?
              Just some thoughts.


              • #8
                Re: Latest Pitstop stuff.

                Re the Forum discussion, maybe I am missing something but why is membership of the Club an issue for viewing the forum? The convention with most of the car forums that I have visited is that if you sign up / register with the forum you can read and post comments. If you don’t sign you can only read i.e not ask for help, which seems pretty reasonable to me.

                The real benefit from forums is surely the exchange of information and a kind of “cross pollination” between the same technical problems even if the actual components are fitted to different cars. As an example, I am indebted to the forums for Land Rover 4x4 / Rover V8 / Morgan / MGRV8 and TVRs for which I have been a “read only” visitor so far. Without the information from these I would never have sorted my V8 injection rich running problems and the car would most certainly still have a SORN label and be languishing in the back of the garage one year later.

                I work a lot with IT users and for all the benefits of IT I still look forward to the paper copy of Pitstop dropping through the letterbox. You can carry it around with you more easily than a computer! Also I find that I tend to read all the articles, whereas with online material there is a temptation to only look at the bits that catch your eye and then move on. Peter.


                • #9
                  Re: Latest Pitstop stuff.

                  I agree with Peter's comments. I have used other forums for very valuable info but would not want to pay to join all those clubs. I also like the paper copy of Pitstop and look forward to it dropping through the letter box.


                  • #10
                    Re: Latest Pitstop stuff.

                    Yes - I am also in agreement that the forum should be open to all - I joined the cobra forum recently when I was struggling with a V8 bbuild and got loads of information - I couldnt see any pictures or contribute though until I signed up. I think the spirit of the web is that information should be free - dont you? ON the subject of fees (which I have to admit Im rubbish at paying on time!) this club is one of the cheapest I have come across! Just try joining the alfa romeo club or similar. Not that I'm advocating a rise in subs...:-)


                    • #11
                      Re: Latest Pitstop stuff.

                      I think the forum should be open for everyone. We need a bit more activity in the Sportster section though. I feel like I'm talking to myself sometimes (well not more than normal )

                      BMW E30 Sportster 2005 - M20B28 - Build Log and Updates


                      • #12
                        Re: Latest Pitstop stuff.

                        1)Patrick, why is it that I cannot get your site to open ?

                        2)As a new member is it possible to obtain back issues of Pitstop.....available electronically perhaps ??
                        Nudge nudge, I have a scanner and some spare time


                        • #13
                          Re: Latest Pitstop stuff.

                          Not sure why you can't see my site. Sometimes it can time out. Try this link: - it's my build diary

                          Thanks, Patrick
                          BMW E30 Sportster 2005 - M20B28 - Build Log and Updates

