I want to have a go at making a prop, my idea is to get the bits from an exisitng prop, cut it and tack it then take it to an engineer to have it fully welded and balanced.
My question is really about the parts i need. My donor is sierra with MT75 g'box which has a big rubber donut on its output shaft (shock absorber), the prop bolts to this via a yoke arrangement. Should I keep this setup or do away with it in favour of a more direct coupling - and has anyone got any experience of doing it?
My question is really about the parts i need. My donor is sierra with MT75 g'box which has a big rubber donut on its output shaft (shock absorber), the prop bolts to this via a yoke arrangement. Should I keep this setup or do away with it in favour of a more direct coupling - and has anyone got any experience of doing it?