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HS6 tuning

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  • HS6 tuning

    Hi everyone

    I have got to tune the carbs on the 2.5 but was wondering before i do is there anything that i need to know apart from what the haynes manual says.

    Also i was wondering if anybody has a set of vacuum gauges they would let me borrow, a few beer tokens included of course. If not where is the best place to get them.

    Cheers in advance

  • #2
    Re: HS6 tuning

    I used to use two plastic tubes clipped to a flat piece of wood.
    They make a U tube and can be filled with almost any coloured liquid. Just make sure the carbs don't suck the fluid out of the U tube.


    • #3
      Re: HS6 tuning

      As long as you start with both jets set equally and both throttles fully closed to set a datam you wont go far wrong.
      Keep a note of adjustments so both carbs get adjusted equally. Once you have the mixture about right with a warm engine its possible to use a plastic pipe to listen to the air flow through the carbs to balance them use the same ear to listen with and put a bit of tape round one end of the pipe to prevent greasy ears.
      Ben Caswell probably not the last word on anything here!!


      • #4
        Re: HS6 tuning

        Further to Ben's comment, I think I remember back to my GT6 days that the 'listening tube' method is very effective - any variation in the 'suction' note is very distinctive and easy to compare between the carbs. As a bonus, your ears end up very clean.


        • #5
          Re: HS6 tuning

          I used the ear and piece of tube method on the HS4s on my TR3A years ago. It is really easy to hear the difference. If you go the U-tube route use Redex for the liquid. Easy to see and if it gets sucked in it just cleans the engine ;-) peter.


          • #6
            Re: HS6 tuning

            Cheers for that guys, i will give it a try this week and tell you how i get on. My air filters finally come through the other day so can tune them correctly.


            • #7
              Re: HS6 tuning

              I have a gauge if thats any help- its simple to use. Le t me know if you want a borrow!
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Re: HS6 tuning

                Cheers for the all the help everyone, and thankyou for the offer of the gauge i think i will give the listening a try first and see how far i get with it.

