Having thought about it for long enough, I stripped the offending disc brake down to find very badly pitted pistons which are reluctant to retract to their proper "off" position. I don't think it would be wise to attempt cleaning them up. I have looked on E bay for new calipers but just when I want them they are not there. I have got 1 or 2 phone numbers to try on Monday morning but any other possible sources would be greatly appreciated. Just one thing - is it bad practice to replace one caliper, should I do the pair while I'm at it?
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Groaning brakes update
Re: Groaning brakes update
Got a new caliper today,£41 from local parts factor. Easy job to fit but now the ******* thing wont bleed!!!!! Pumped loads of clear fluid through but no joy. Must be a rogue air bubble in there somewhere. When I clamp the flexi pipe up to isolate the new caliper, the other 3 corners give rock hard pedal.Franklin, Leicester
Re: Groaning brakes update
Try clamping the flexible then open the bleed nipple and push the pads back as far as the will go so that you push the air and fluid out of the caliper.Close the bleed nipple then release the clamp and pump the pedal until the pads move back against the disc. If necesary repeat!Ben Caswell probably not the last word on anything here!!
Re: Groaning brakes update
On the road again! With the bleed nipple at the top the job was easy,in fact I did it on my own by pressing the pedal down with my left hand while watching the tube fill up with fluid. When it was passing no more air I let the pedal go and tightened the nipple up. Thanks for all help on this especially Pierre.Franklin, Leicester