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MOC Forum

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  • MOC Forum

    Has the MOC ever considered using something like phpBVBhosts for the forum?

    It's feature rich and works like just about every other forum on the 'net other than this one. Especially bumping new posts to the top of the list - this I think is a basic requirement as people are still posting topics a second time to move it to the top. You can have 'stickies' at the top for FAQs and answers etc. etc.

    As far as I can see there's a free offering, but I also think it would be a worthwhile expenditure if it's not.

    I'd much rather have a more effective forum than a club magazine for example.

  • #2
    Re: MOC Forum

    I wouldn't go for a hosted solution personally as it limits your upgrade path, and quite often cuts it completely. There's nothing but problems if you ever want to get your post data back out of it (I speak from experience!)

    The best open source solution I've run into to date is phpBB: - some issues with getting security updates out regularly with this one though and too easily hacked by "script-kiddies".

    The standard in online bulletin boards is vBulletin but that costs to buy and then there's a year support costs. However you do get regular security updates and support.

    Thanks, Patrick
    BMW E30 Sportster 2005 - M20B28 - Build Log and Updates


    • #3
      Re: MOC Forum


      I receive positive responses regarding the Forum. With exception of some gentle nudges on some simple improvements, I prefer to think that members are not so timid that they won't say if something is glaringly wrong. I like a simple layout personally and I can't see any reason to complicate matters. You can search for threads, filter to latest reply only and apart from that, am I missing something? Why would we want any more than that? I spend a lot of time on my PC but I'm not technical. Others are far more adept at all things electronic but I would hazard a guess that, on average, of the many I liaise with in the club, users are normal people with modest expectations and don't need anything more than we have.

      I stand corrected if others feel the Forum needs to be changed or you want more from it. Suggestions are always welcome but not always practical given the MOC resources.

      Regarding your comment about the magazine, I realise it is your personal opinion. Many members only get the magazine. They don't use the website and don't attend the events so the mag is the only medium offered to every member. Whether they choose to read the mag is another matter but it's there because they are a member. Whether you prefer the internet or paper, everyone differs and we try to cater for all in as generic a way as possible. There will always be extremes of opinion but I like to think we have got it pretty balanced.

      Do others have an opinion on this?


      • #4
        Re: MOC Forum

        Mine was supposed to be an impartial comment on hosted boards and I deal with web stuff professionally. I don't see anything wrong with the MOC forums, it's certainly simpler to use that some of the other packages. There's always a bit of room for improvement with any system

        The only thing I would change is the post listing order by date of last reply so that any posts with replys come to the top.

        Thanks, Patrick
        BMW E30 Sportster 2005 - M20B28 - Build Log and Updates


        • #5
          Re: MOC Forum

          Ever wondered why all the 5exi owner/builders have deserted this forum and are over on the madaboutkitcars forum?


          • #6
            Re: MOC Forum

            I think 'post listing order by date of last reply ' is minimum requirement and one I mentioned a long time ago...


            • #7
              Re: MOC Forum

              Sportster and Cabrio people are at Madabout too...


              • #8
                Re: MOC Forum

                I am using both this Forum and Madabout. There does seem to be a division between the two sites, this one seems to be (generally) about maintaining Marlins and the social side of things, and Madbout seems to be populated by Marlin builders who use it as a mixture of ideas exchange and build blogs.

                The advantage of Madabout is you get notification emails when a post is made on a thread you have created/posted on, and the ordering of putting the thread with the newest posting on the top.

                The Sporster/Cabrio and 5exi activities on Madabout seems to be restricted to a small number of individuals.


                • #9
                  Re: MOC Forum

                  Whilst the current forum satisfies a basic requirement, the fact that both actual Club Members and potential Club Members use another Kit Car forum in preference, indicates that the Marlin Owners Club is missing out on potential new members and the revenue they would bring.

                  The creation of this forum has been a clear boost to the club allowing discussion on many subjects. The downside is that any of the modern style forums do require a level of management.

                  In order for the Marlin Owner Club to survive in the long term, it will have to embrace changes, as it has in the past. This may mean an investment in the future plans.

                  To beleive that 'everything is OK and does not need messing with' will result in the gradual and inevitable decline of the club, as the lack of 5exi posts seems to demonstrate.


                  • #10
                    Re: MOC Forum

                    Hi everyone, Why don't we just agree to raise this at the next committee meeting, taking all the ideas from the forum, and ask them to come back with a decision? Even if the decision is to canvas everyone via the next mag, we can then decide as a club which route to take.

                    As far as members and others using alternative web sites, I for one am a member of a number of forums and each has its merits. This is the way of the web and does not necessarily mean that they will not join the MOC. Let’s get a consensus and go from there. Adrian


                    • #11
                      Re: MOC Forum


                      The committee meets three times a year. The website and other matters are usually discussed at every meeting. If we do canvas members it is usually through the magazine and the amount of feedback is poor. This is not unexpected but it is disappointing. To gain any real feeling on a subject, the club could do with feedback from not just a handful of proactive members but from everyone. This will never happen therefore we have to make the most judged decisions we can.

                      The reality is that we do not have a dedicated website developer. The website exists because we are lucky to have a friendly and economical contact who works with the committee 2 to 3 times a year to tweak the site. We do not pay a professional to manage the site and if we did, the subs are very likley to have to be reconsidered. Given the nature of many of the club members, a good number will not be interested in the website and may choose not to renew. The last rise in subs saw the club lose around 200 members. Given that the current numbers stand around 530, to lose the same number would be a disaster. Any rise in subs should benefit all members and whilst it is accepted that the internet is obviously here to stay and goes from strength to strength, we are still a only small group of enthusiasts with a good membership loyalty and a basic but effective website.

                      The club is for enthusiats. It is not profit making and the presence of the website is indeed a boost. However I do not feel that a lack of bells and whistles website will result in us losing members. The decline in membership appears to be for a number of reasons i.e few cars are being built. Only a handful of new builds emerge each year and not all those owners join the club, some cars are going out of the country when they are sold, some are languishing in garages and members are not renewing, some cars become write offs etc. The decline in the membership will probably eventually fall due to the lack of new builds. However there are enough owners who will continue to be in the club and use their cars or sell them to others who will join. Eventually I see a smaller membership but those remaining will be loyal members. The club has been running for nearly 30 years and I don't think we are ready for it to fall yet.


                      • #12
                        Re: MOC Forum

                        Hi Adrian and everyone else.
                        A couple of points, including I seem to have too much time on my hands the past few days.
                        At the risk of repeating myself.......

                        Whether we like it or not we are in the hands of our committee. Canvassing the membership is a non starter.
                        I once tried to get the Sussex members of MOC together, half I emailed and half I posted letters to at my own expense.
                        Response was about 30% by email and zero% by post.

                        I would guess that at absolute best 15% but more probably a tenth of that, of the club members would respond to a published request for ideas in Pitstop.

                        You are right about alternative sites but a comparison of 5exi and Sportster post numbers (not individuals) on Madabout against the number on the Marlin Owners Club forum is telling.

                        Older model Marlins will decline in numbers over time through poor maintenance, lack of use, and difficulty in locating spare and body parts. Sadly it is not just the cars but existing long standing members will naturally decline in numbers. Seeking out new blood to replace them is essential for the clubs survival.

                        The future of the club is in recent and current Marlin production and builds. If we miss out on them, I fear we already have, then the MOC as we know it today will no longer exist within the next decade.

                        Presumably the committe have a posotive vision and plan for the future of the club.
                        In the light of responses to recent posts, it seems they and many members are reluctant to make what I and others see as the inevitable changes necessary for future survival of the Marlin Owners Club.

                        As a final comment. I think that the committe of volunteers who run the club give stalwart service and deserve praise for their unpaid effort and time. Perhaps Lee our (new) Chairman would like to comment on this and indicate his proposals to drive the club forward.

                        Heres hoping.


                        • #13
                          Re: MOC Forum

                          Lee is on holiday for two weeks from about the 27th.


                          • #14
                            Re: MOC Forum

                            Just read you post Sue, we were typing at the same time, you beat me by a minute.

                            I am going bthrough a paricularly vocal phase please forgive me.

                            We agree on many points, thats posotive, but missing out on revenue streams and new members is potentially disasterous and the club needs to be proactive.

                            By comparison look at the Morris Marina owners club. They have members in the US, NZ, Aus, Norway and others. Their membership and number of cars is also in decline especially with the help (sic) of Top Gear. But their forum is a hive of activity with some car owners and members not having a driving licence yet.

                            By definition most potential new members (or rather recycled members) would buy old cars through Ebay. They are already technology savvy, happy and familiar with all the processes necessary for online transactions. I would hazard a guess that a fair percentage do not even have a cheque book.

                            These people and others, as you suggest, are the clubs future. They are living in an environment of emails, texts and twitters. Surely we as a club must cater for them and their expectations and aspirations.


                            • #15
                              Re: MOC Forum


                              We have members in the US, Australia, Italy, Switzerland, France, Germany, The Sechelles, The Netherlands and New Zealand.

                              We also have a thriving and active forum.

