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Build Manuals for Roadsters and other Marlins

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  • Build Manuals for Roadsters and other Marlins

    I have posted this in Roadster as it is a busyer part of the forum.

    There is a web site where Mk 1 (Triumph) and Mk 2 (Marina) build manuals are posted as pdf's
    I guess there are sveral other Roadster build manuals that other members may hold in paper copy that should be similarly preserved.
    I have downloaded copies for my own use but I wonder why copies of build manuals are not available from the MOC website under a CARS AND MANUALS section where there future hosting is garunteed.
    I would guess that most Marlin owners would like an appropriate copy of their own build manual. Perhaps they could also be made available through club goods for a nominal fee.

    The availability of manuals also applies to all other Marlin models. I am sure that as most types are out of production that they are not covered under copyright protection. If they are then surely the MOC are the best people to look after any copyright holders rights.

  • #2
    Re: Build Manuals for Roadsters and other Marlins

    I can supply copies of Berlinetta manuals in pdf form if required. Contact direct for details


    • #3
      Re: Build Manuals for Roadsters and other Marlins

      Very good idea Steve. Since joining here last month I have been wondering about something like your idea, and you'll find comment along these lines in some other of my posts.

      Adrian appears to have a later Roadster build manual than the .pdf on "T" site and it may be useful to obtain a copy
      from him

      I was talking to Sue R on phone the other evening and she is trying to sort me out a full set of Pitstops, some (many?) of which she has electronically. I wonder if these also should be included in your "manuals" as there must be some important techy bits which have not appeared on the forum.

      I wonder also about electronic copies of Marlin Sales and other literature, it would be very interesting to see these, particularly the early ones

      Seems too that all this should be on a "members only" part of the site (He now ducks below the parapet)



      • #4
        Re: Build Manuals for Roadsters and other Marlins

        Dave, thanks for support (and Liz). No ducking required.

        I kind of resent giving non members too much info. Get them started then encourage them to join.

        I think that any information provided in the past by the club should be available to members for their own use at a nominal charge dependant on quantity etc as are the Tech Tips in the club goods section.

        To harp on with a previous thread, If people could join almost instantly through paypal the club could have their membership money and make a sale of a PDF file in minutes rather than days.

        We are in the hands of our committee and the club resources on this and can only make representations.


        • #5
          Re: Build Manuals for Roadsters and other Marlins

          If you want a copy of a full 1989 Roadster build manual on pdf, it's 23Mb, I can post you a CD copy.
          Cost you £1, stamps,to cover.


          • #6
            Re: Build Manuals for Roadsters and other Marlins

            Steve, see my other post on Pitsop in Misc, maybe these posts could be combined ?

            Hugh, check your emails, yes please !



            • #7
              Re: Build Manuals for Roadsters and other Marlins

              Hugh, Perhaps you might considering donating your manual to the club for future sale as club goods.

              My suggestion was that the club hold copies of manuals that would be of interest to all members. It would be a shame if they were 'lost'.


              • #8
                Re: Build Manuals for Roadsters and other Marlins

                I don't have a problem with that but if I send you a copy you get a lot more than the manual on the disc. You also have the prob. for the club of someone making up discs etc.
                Having had our car from kit to present, it's just had it's 19th. birthday, there's a fair bit of extra info and ideas included that I've gathered over the years.
                The club is certainly welcome to a copy for its records, although I keep adding to it.


                • #9
                  Re: Build Manuals for Roadsters and other Marlins

                  Hugh - Did you simply scan the pages and if so what resolution did you decide was best.

                  I have the Build manual for the Cabrio. Has anyone already created a pdf for the Cabrio - if not I will have a go.


                  • #10
                    Re: Build Manuals for Roadsters and other Marlins

                    Hi Keith,
                    I'm not sure of the res. as I let my scanner decide but each page came out at between 350 and 800k depending on the detail on them. The total combined pdf manual is 23MB with 51 pages but the detail is good.
                    I've got full Adobe Acrobat if anyone has anything they want converting to pdf.
                    I've been keeping a tab on all the eBay Marlins for sale and converting the web pages to pdf files for future ref. not that it helps in determing a price if you are looking to sell as some rough looking ones seem to fetch good money and some real good lookers get nowhere.


                    • #11
                      Re: Build Manuals for Roadsters and other Marlins

                      Hello Hugh - thanks for that. I am about to move house and once the turmoil is over I will have a go at creating a pdf. I too have full Acrobat but I have never had the need to use it to create a file - it will be a new experience. It's interesting you have been monitoring ebay. A couple of months ago I bought a beautiful Cabrio in the hopes that I could encourage my better half to get more involved in all things Marlin. I failed so I was faced with the awful decision of selling my Roadster which I emotionally attached to, as I built it, or moving on the Cabrio which is a much better car. I am afraid the Cabrio has lost out so although I have only owned it a couple of months it is soon to go on the for sale lists. It is bristling with goodies and the previous owner had lavished care and attention but as far as I could tell had only done about 750 miles in 6 years. I have also spent some money on it and from your tracking of ebay it would seem that is not the place to sell it. I had a private smirk a couple of weeks ago at the test run of the Car Club weekend package that Qhotels were putting together. It was parked in a line with 3 genuine Healey 3000'S outside reception and the press photographer chose the Cabrio to stand the hotel management in front of for their publicity photos. Any thoughts on the best place to advertise it (apart from here)? What has the price range on Cabrios been on ebay


                      • #12
                        Re: Build Manuals for Roadsters and other Marlins

                        Advertise on eBay but protect yourself with a res. I've got three from eBay, all nice examples, from£2501 to £3300 with one not meeting its res. at£3400.
                        I think a lot rests on the interest in the selling area and the time of the year.
                        Best of luck with the pdf. Really, just follow the instructions.


                        • #13
                          Re: Build Manuals for Roadsters and other Marlins

                          Keith and all

                          I have the marlin Cabrio build manual in electronic format.
                          Let me have your emails and I'll forward a copy. Please note it is a very large file.
                          Alternatively, send me your address, and I'll burn a copy on to a CD and mail it to you.
                          Mike Garner
                          email: mands(dot)garner(at)btinternet(dot)com


                          • #14
                            Re: Build Manuals for Roadsters and other Marlins

                            Hi Mike,

                            What type of file is it? (Word, Quark, etc) What do you use to read it?


                            • #15
                              Re: Build Manuals for Roadsters and other Marlins

                              Hi Mike, could you please burn me a copy. I had one from Marlin some time back but when I got it out it turned out to be blank! Many Thanks, Danny.

