I have looked at the previous chats about screen replacement but can't find out if anyone has a template. A nice chap from Autoglass came to look at the job and said if I can't source a template he will help me dig the old screen out and get a new one cut, then return a fit. I'm OK with the latter course of events but it would be nice to have a screen ready to fit when he comes. Any comments?
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Re: windscreen
Franklin, the origional screen was made by Solaglas in Plymouth. the web page for this co. is
The label on the origional screen read as in the attached pic.
Whether they can help I don't know but must be worth a try.
Best of luck.
Attached Files
Re: windscreen
When the replacement screen for my 1985 hybrid arrived because the first one didnt fit it had a lable saying Type3
So that would make sense. If you made a copy of the actual glass area thats exposed and then draw a 1/4 inch extra border around that you wont be far off. Have fun!!Ben Caswell probably not the last word on anything here!!
Re: windscreen
When I broke mine getting it out as part of a rebuild I took the pieces (still held together with the remains of the silcone sealer) to the local RAC Windscreens depot and they cut me one for a very reasonable price.
Marlin Roadster, LWB...1860 B Series + Ford Type 9
Renault Espace 54mm front calipers, vented discs, cycle wings and adjustable tie-bars.
Re: windscreen
Now that sets me thinking.
On my 1984 Roadster Chassis 2691M my screen has a dymo tape label WO130.
Is it possible that it is the original screen number from Solaglass?
Has anyone any similar info that perhaps can tie it back to an original pattern?
Perhaps the Roadster Database can help?
Re: windscreen
I think you may find that WO is the works order for that particular batch to Marlin as against a pattern No.
I think Ref 24121 is the pattern No. for the MK.2 Roadster but I'm willing to be corrected.
Mine is a 1989 Roadster chassis No. 1459M but the chassis Nos. don't seem to follow in a logical order date wise.
The pic of the label above is the one that was on my screen.
Re: windscreen
Thanks for all this info chaps. I thought there might be more than one pattern. It would be a luxury to have a new screen ready to put in but it is not essential in this case. As the Autoglass man says he can get one cut from the remains of the original at his depot, then I will go along with him on this. The whole job will be done in my garage with me helping. Will keep you up to date on this, price etc.Franklin, Leicester
Re: windscreen
Hi Hugh,
The chassis numbers appear to be confusing because Paul Moorhouse would carry on with a series of numbers that includes model changes.Mk1 cars all carry the 1 prefix and the early Mk2 a 2 but using the same sequential three numbers until the Mk1 finished in 1983 at 1285.Even though by that time only about 50 Mk2 kits had been made the chassis number was on 2292.
It gets complicated when he got over the 1000 kits as he then dropped the prefix 2 sometime in 1986 as 2958m is 7.2.86 and 1029m+ is 8.7.86 to add even more confusion I think some numbers in that series went to the new Berli kits. Roadster Mks after the 2 seem to just follow on from there.
I dont think book keeping was one of PMs skills!Ben Caswell probably not the last word on anything here!!