I have just spoken to a very knowledgeable guy at VOSA who has advised the criteria for CAT/no CAT is based on engine year of manufacture. In my case my BMW M50 was mamufactured in June 1993, which for IVA purposes, does not require a CAT, even though the original saloon was fitted with one. I will have to prove beyond doubt the age of the engine, which will require a letter from BMW Head Office (local dealer letter will not be acceptable - even though they use the same computer data base!). BMW Customer Services have agreed to send one today.
Apparently the MOT emmission test is based on the year of registration of the car, so in the case of an IVA registration they use the information stated on the registration document ie No CAT for IVA : no CAT for MOT
So, if Mr Mark Vickers -Technical Officer VOSA - Tel 01792 454256 is correct, I do not need a CAT for IVA, and subsequent MOTs. yippee!!!!!
Incidentally, this applies for IVA on cars upto some time in 1995 - not sure of exact date, but believe it is July 31st 1995?
Hope this helps some of other guys stuggling with emmissions......
Apparently the MOT emmission test is based on the year of registration of the car, so in the case of an IVA registration they use the information stated on the registration document ie No CAT for IVA : no CAT for MOT
So, if Mr Mark Vickers -Technical Officer VOSA - Tel 01792 454256 is correct, I do not need a CAT for IVA, and subsequent MOTs. yippee!!!!!
Incidentally, this applies for IVA on cars upto some time in 1995 - not sure of exact date, but believe it is July 31st 1995?
Hope this helps some of other guys stuggling with emmissions......