I've noticed an increase in the number of postings from members who are building cars for trialling. I'm trying to be extremely tactful, and probably won't succeed, but some of the questions being asked show that people are trying to second-guess what will be needed for a good trials car BEFORE ever using their car in action. The basic mods are well-known, but the only way to get a trials car to work is to USE IT first, see what works and what doesn't, then modify, modify, and modify again. You will NOT build the ultimate trials Marlin by theory although, when mine is finally back on the road, we'll all see whether my theories (after 10 years of varied trialling success) have paid off or have been a very expense and time-consuming mistake. And, No, I'm not sharing them with anyone until I know the answer!!
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Trialling mods
Re: Trialling mods
Andrew, I agree with you 100% - however in my case I have stripped and rebuilt the car - not in order to build the ultimate trials car, which it won't be, but in order to sort out a car that had not been used since 1992. Before I do anything I will end up with a car that to the best of my ability is put together properly and is in good roadworthy condition. I could go trialing now, but having done about 10 miles in the car so far since a chassis up home rebuild I think that would be a bit foolish. So first things first is to put some road miles on the car, then some PCTs and then perhaps class O. In the mean time, I will be playing around with what I think could be improved over the winter, and hopefully getting some good general advice on here along the way. I have also been fortunate enough to passenger a couple of times, in perhaps one of the most sorted Marlins out there and will continue to marshal and spectate events where I can, again hopefully building up my knowledge along the way.