trying to improve the angle of the existing dampers they are bolted as per photos - removal of the box section allows the hanger to be bolted direct to the flanges welded to the cross beam. Not much room here to clear the cross beam and use of half nuts to bolt the damper to marina bracket with locking fluid would I guess be the answer. Is this standard practice? regards Mike
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Upper damper attachment
Re: Upper damper attachment
As Hugh says, it's a non standard box section and a normal bolt can be used when the box is removed.
Before you remove it check that the shock is original Marina, should have travel from 10 1/2" to 16 1/2" length or there abouts.
I thought that the shocks were originally at an angle to help the axle and springs absorb some lateral forces.
Interesting that Hugh's shock mount has it's longer end inboard, putting the shock slightly more vertical but mine and Mike's is outboard with the shock at a lower angle (if you see what I mean) as shown in a Marina Haynes manual.
If you change the angle of the shock to more vertical then check that the axle can travel to its bump stop without bottoming the shock. Some wedge shaped washers or a similar mod will be needed at the lower mounting to avoid point loading the rubber mounts.
Re: Upper damper attachment
thanks Hugh & Steve for the info, I can easily alter the arrangement. The more vertical angle might work better and yes a wedge at the lower end would be a good idea. I'm fitting a RTL link from Frontline at present to try to avoid side movement of the axle. Just ordered a pair of new springs as the old ones are over flat when weighted. Poly bushes as well so should be better than it was, again many thanks for your help.
Re: Upper damper attachment
Hi Mike I bought a part built kit and this also had a spacer between the cross member and the top shock mounts.
The reason it was there was the builder had used non specified shocks, and with the lowering block in place the shocks were too short to fit to the spring/shock mounting plate. You may find this is the reason for the spacers.
Re: Upper damper attachment
A technical point Len.
Shocks are attached to the bottom spring hangers and not the axle, so are not affected by a tapered lowering block lifting the axle a random distance higher than the underside of the spring.
You may be right about non specific shocks but Marina units would have been off the shelf parts when the last Marina based Roadsters were supplied so I think it unlikely. There could be a standard pattern, but shorter, shock that has a different rating to the Marina and that may be the explanation.
The problem with lowering the shock top mount is as I suggested, bottoming the shock travel. So I would be looking for another reason for fitting the spacer unless the resistance of a Marina shock increaces with its compression.
None of this answers why both you and Mike have these spacers and I amongst others do not. A higher authority is needed to resolve this one.
A possible happy medium is to ask Santa to bring Mike some Spax adjustables.
Re: Upper damper attachment
My build manual makes no mention of the rear shocks except to say that the axle is mounted in the same way as a marina except that the shocks are mounted behind the axle not in front interchanging the lower mounting plates side to side.
No mention of the top shock brackets at all.
Perhaps this is a case where there are different versions of the build manuals, that ought to be posted permaneltly on the forum or available through club goods.
Would someone with the manual that differs from mine please email me a copy at stevejgreen(at)
Re: Upper damper attachment
Hi Steve, the picture attached is a copy of the page from my later mk2 manual. I also have an earlier version which doesn't have the extra explanation. It may be that builders were having problems with fitting the suspension and therefore the manual was updated.
Re: Upper damper attachment
Adrian, thanks for that. Esp your efforst at posting pictures.
I wonder why the change was made. Would love to read the whole difference as I have never been sure what version my car was as the chassis numbers were not consistant.
A complete build manual, as yours, would be appreciated, just to spot the varitions.