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YKC Boot / Luggage Rack

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  • YKC Boot / Luggage Rack

    I have a YKC rack that was originally bought about 12 years ago, soon after they took over all things Roadster.
    As you can see from the picture the grey plastic parts that connect the tube framework at 90 deg are beginning to show signs of age and are cracking.
    There are 14 on my rack so not a quick job to make replacements.
    I think that other Marlin racks may be made in a similar way with 5/8" stainless tube.

    Does anyone know where I can buy some spares?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Re: YKC Boot / Luggage Rack

    Hi Steve,
    Difficult to confirm from a photograph, but I found B&Q stock a range of tubing and assorted ends and joiners in their bigger stores. At least you can compare yours with them before you buy.
    Hope it helps.


    • #3
      Re: YKC Boot / Luggage Rack

      Hi Steve,
      I have the same rack although, as yet, without the cracking problem. As far as I'm aware the threaded plastic inserts are crimped into the stainless tube and would be difficult to remove and replace. If you can find some joiners you might need to replace the 6 straight bits completely. The tubing on the rack is 16mm diameter so some 15mm stainless central heating pipe would be close enough. Would need a lot of polishing up though so something to while away those long winter hours.



      • #4
        Re: YKC Boot / Luggage Rack

        Thanks Guys
        Geoff, the threaded inserts are stainless steel and as you say are swaged in place. The plastic bit is separate and there to change from a flat end to the round face of the tube.

        I have already scoured all the DIY shops from B&Q to Focus and all points in between but have had no joy.

        As I last effort I emailed Marlin Cars thinking that the sportster may have a similar rack and use the same parts. To date they have not replied.

        Any more ideas welcomed.


        • #5
          Re: YKC Boot / Luggage Rack

          Steve,Marlin luggage racks are not constructed like the YKC item. They are all welded joints.


          • #6
            Re: YKC Boot / Luggage Rack

            What I think you need are either threaded saddle washers (from bpf for example) or plain saddle washers if the thread is in the tube end.
            try that. BPF make/supply almost all plastic tube joiners. Hope it helps.


            • #7
              Re: YKC Boot / Luggage Rack

              and they are about 12p each but you may have to buy a hundred - about £12.00
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Re: YKC Boot / Luggage Rack

                Cameron, thanks for that.
                I have ordered a box of 100 (minimum order) payment by Paypal as well!
                Unfortunately they are not available in Grey so I will change them all to black.
                Meanwhile I will have plenty of stock and will happily sell on smaller quantities if anyone else wants some.

                Perhaps Sue could add them as KitBits in Pitstop.

