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Single carb for GT6

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  • Single carb for GT6

    Hi Guys
    Can anybody help, we have a GT6 2L engine to which I would like to fit a single carb for better fuel economy it has the original Stromberg’s fitted would swap for a single SU carb .

    Many thanks

  • #2
    Re: Single carb for GT6

    Hi Mike, Cant say I have ever heard of a conversion to a single carb on the six. You would need to build a one off manifold and as to which carb size and needle you would need I dont think the info is available.
    My average MPG with a tired six usually comes out at about 25 to 30mpg.(using Tesco 99 octane fuel)
    I would spend some time on ensuring the tappets, timing and carb tuning are correct and then see what your mpg is.
    Also check your tyre pressures as some cars seem to be run on very low pressures which doesnt help. Try 22F-24/26 R
    You need to keep a track of your actual mileage, as most speedo readings are bit out as they read low and make the fuel cosumption look more than it actually is.
    Hope this is help ful Ben Caswell TR Tech rep.
    PS I would be interested to know what the chassis number is.It can be found just behind the front bumper on the N/S chassis rail.
    Ben Caswell probably not the last word on anything here!!


    • #3
      Re: Single carb for GT6

      Thanks Ben
      Looks like I will be sticking with the Stromberg carbs.
      The only number I can find is on a plate on the body its
      KC52914 and the engine number KC10779E
      can you tell what year it is,cannot see number on chassis rail ?


      • #4
        Re: Single carb for GT6

        The KC prefix is from the GT6 and numbers beginning with a 5 are Mk2.
        My info shows the car as a hybrid with a marina rear axle.
        There should be a 1/4 inch by 1 inch little tag welded to the side of the chassis in between the front bumper and the suspension on the N/S chassis.
        If not the only other way is if you have any history of who ordered the kit and then I may be able to trace the order.
        Ben Caswell probably not the last word on anything here!!


        • #5
          Re: Single carb for GT6

          Hi Mike, my own thoughts are with Ben's, the best for these engines is in better tuning; valve clearance, 'cold' plugs, electronic ignition and the correct coil, new carb needles and diaphrams,stop all air leaks however small and tuned with a gas analizer and a stethiscope, don't froget a good engine clean and K&N air filters as well. Check the compression on each cyl in turn as 1 poor one will unballance the set and cost power and fuel - Spent all your money yet??
          If all that fails then put a large pebble under the throtle peddle,. Oh and don't forget, the yellow ones go faster than the red ones, ~~~~~~~
          Have fun, Gregg

