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New Owner DHD 484 V

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  • New Owner DHD 484 V

    Just driven the car up from Portsmouth to Wrexham yesterday, arriving home at midnight, slightly chilled to say the least. Could somebody advise where I can get new reflectors/units for the Cibie headlamps since these are a little tarnished. Amazingly that is the biggest fault (at)ve found so far !

  • #2
    Re: New Owner DHD 484 V

    Congrats and sorry I made you pay a little more as I was bidding too.

    From the pictures they are 5 1/2". Relacement rings come up on ebay but checkout the usual kit car suppliers or


    • #3
      Re: New Owner DHD 484 V

      Thanks Steve


      • #4
        Re: New Owner DHD 484 V

        Mike, when you have got your new reflectors sorted, let us know where from and how much. I must repace mine as there seems to be more rust than silver!
        Franklin, Leicester


        • #5
          Re: New Owner DHD 484 V

          Forgot to mention, the reason I havn't done anything about it before is that the retaining screws underneath are mangled and need drilling out. That's Marlins!
          Franklin, Leicester


          • #6
            Re: New Owner DHD 484 V

            Well after a trawl of ebay and the suppliers mentioned by Steve, I've not come up with anything so far. It looks like the size must be 5.75" and the reflectors are a dished design (I need just one) and one of my rims is rusted and also needs replacing (after I've drilled out the retaining screw).


            • #7
              Re: New Owner DHD 484 V

              I've found a supplier for the 7" version - but will this look OK on the car ?


              • #8
                Re: New Owner DHD 484 V

                Ooops 1/4" out from memory.
                Some might say that 7" lamps will interfere with airflow through the radiator, on a car that already has the potential to overheat.
                I think from styling issues 7" lamps would be too big for the proportions of the car.

                My last chance suggestion is to talk to 01885 488488
                They may not list the rings but they claim to get any part.
                Good luck


                • #9
                  Re: New Owner DHD 484 V


                  A lot of Roadsters have 7" lamps and they look ok in chrome or painted in the cars colour. If you look at the car pictures on the forum it might give you an idea of what they look like.


                  • #10
                    Re: New Owner DHD 484 V

                    Make sure you get H4 left dipping units, or it is possible to get the existing ones replated (read it in a mag cant find info at moment)Save the old lenses for the glass may come in handy.
                    Ben Caswell probably not the last word on anything here!!


                    • #11
                      Re: New Owner DHD 484 V

                      Hi, according to the build info they are either Mini Headlights (using the glass, reflector and bulb) and the 7" pods from Marlin or Cibie HS4's which are supplied with the pod as standard.


                      • #12
                        Re: New Owner DHD 484 V

                        Cibie are part of Valeo now.
                        Motoscope-online in Northallerton list a lot of Cibie units and parts.
                        May be worth a look and maybe a phone call.


                        Regards Austin


                        • #13
                          Re: New Owner DHD 484 V

                          It seems that Cibie regard these as 6" so we were both wrong. I quoted the ref number on the back of the unit to MOTOSCOPE and they have come up with the reflector. At a cost of £62 plus vat I will just change the worst one. No rims though at the moment.


                          • #14
                            Re: New Owner DHD 484 V

                            Went through this trouble myself last year. Don't try polishing the reflectors, it makes them worse!
                            If you have Cibie Oscars (with the concave glass) I don't believe they make replacement lenses. You have to replace the whole unit!
                            I ended up paying approx £130 for one unit from Demon Tweaks, only to find Holdens were offering the same at nearly half that.

