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    I have a Marlin Cabriolet with a Ford Pinto 2 ltre, single overhead cam engine. My manifold is a steel 4 2 1. Does anyone know if this is a standard Ford manifold and which model it was from and where can they be obtained.My only other option would be to have one custom made.Ouch!Any help would be appreciated.

  • #2

    Ken, Is your end pipe (no 1) a flange fixing or a straight pipe under the car ?,as mine is straight. There are a few on ebay but they all look different for the same engine.


    • #3

      Hi Bob, my pipe is straight through like yours.I have been told by a local car tuner that the manifold may be off an Escort but then modified to fit. Unless someone can come up with an alternative it looks like I may have to go down custom made route.Thanks for your reply.


      • #4

        My 2 litre sierra unit uses the cast iron 4:2:1 manifold as fitted by Ford. Mild tuning works well with this manifold.
        Before you go the custom made route, I seem to remember that Robin Hood (or thier parts empire) can supply a neat 4:2:1 steel item for the Pinto.
        Burton power sell steel manifolds to suit but they can be a bit pricey.
        Marlin Berlinetta 2.1 Efi


        • #5

          Hi Dane, thanks for the information. Very useful!I'll follow up the leads.


          • #6
            Re: EXHAUST MANIFOLD

            Hi Ken,
            I have one or two cast iron ones if that helps, Bob will they fit ??


            • #7
              Re: EXHAUST MANIFOLD

              I need to try and find out what the 4 branch tube 4-2-1 manifold is from for future reference.

              Re Lee comment on the cast manifolds there are 2 different ones, 1 has a 2 hole outlet with a flat faced flange and the other has 1 hole outlet with round fixing, and if you use these to replace the tubular manifolds you would need to make up or modify a pipe to the exhaust system.


              • #8
                Re: EXHAUST MANIFOLD

                The 4 branch was custom made for the Cabrio, you will find that there are standard ones which almost do the job, but req some modification. This is most likely to be related to the ground clearance, ie to low.


                • #9
                  Re: EXHAUST MANIFOLD

                  I hope you don't mind if I answer all your comments in one go!Lee Thanks for your extremely generous offer offer but I'll stick with the 4 2 1 manifold. I called in at a specialist engine tuner today who couldn't positively identify the manifold but could see that whatever it was off it has been extensively modified. So Danny you are spot on.
                  Dane unfortunately I didn't get anywhere with Robin Hood or Burton.Anyway it's not an immediate problem so I'll get it done later. I have found a company called SUMIYAKA in Dobwalls, Cornwall who tell me they can custom make a manifold for me. Does anyone know anything about their reputation?


                  • #10
                    Re: EXHAUST MANIFOLD

                    Burton do two types of the Ashley 4:2:1 exhaust; it is the one recommended by Vulcan for the Pinto. I have not bought one yet as I have other claims to my fortune (or lack of) They sell the item for about £178. I'll get one some day.
                    I've not seen the company at Dobwalls so cannot help there.
                    Good luck!
                    Marlin Berlinetta 2.1 Efi


                    • #11
                      Re: EXHAUST MANIFOLD

                      HiDane,that's interesting because I rang Burton and was put through to their" Exhaust expert" who told me that the possible manifold was not a stock item and would have to be manufactured and as such if not correct there would not be a refund. Confusing or what?


                      • #12
                        Re: EXHAUST MANIFOLD

                        Crikey! I've not spoken to them for a few months but the Ashley is in their catalogue!
                        They must be going downhill. I'll research this when funds are available to change mine. Otherwise I'm going to continue with the Sierra manifold which is the two hole flange type. Next week I'm off on a 1000mile round trip with the new engine so I'm full of trepidadtion that nothing blows or goes wrong.....
                        Good luck with the manifold snag.
                        Marlin Berlinetta 2.1 Efi


                        • #13
                          Re: EXHAUST MANIFOLD

                          Ken - I have just noticed that Europaspares do Manifold kits. These have to be welded up but you could customise the fit to match your tail pipe etc. Once again, they do not seem to be cheap!
                          Marlin Berlinetta 2.1 Efi


                          • #14
                            Re: EXHAUST MANIFOLD

                            Thanks for the information. I'll check it out.

