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Movement at Torsion bar wishbone connection

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  • Movement at Torsion bar wishbone connection

    Stripped down my front suspension today and spotted some movement in the torsion bar where the splines enter the bottom wishbone. The movement is side to side, not rotational.
    My take is that it won't be a problem because the wishbone is bolted to the chassis and stabilised at the front by the tie bar so any looseness in the torsion bar shouldn't have any influence on suspension geometry.
    Have I got that right?

  • #2
    Re: Movement at Torsion bar wishbone connection

    Difficult to say at a distance.
    The Torsion bar ideally would be a snug fit in the cast Lower arm. Is the splined eyebolt pin similarly loose?
    As you say the main location on the suspension is taken by the eyebolt.
    Depending on the level of wear, remember the whole weight of the front corner of the car is supported by the torsion bar, so failure of the splines on the torsion bar whould cause the car to drop suddenly.

    Whilst you are checking the Marina parts, have a good look at the top 'Mini' wishbone.
    and s#p29150.
    I found a great deal of clearance that allowed the top wishbone to move fore and aft.


    • #3
      Re: Movement at Torsion bar wishbone connection

      Thanks for your comments. I take your point about the risk of spline failure - its not that loose!

      The more I think about it, the less concerned I am. The torsion bar connects into the wishbone so close to the chassis that it can\'t exert any significant restraint to forwards/backwards movement of the wishbone. This restraint must be provided by the tie bar.

      I\'m replacing the top wishbone shaft and bearings as well as I\'ve got the whole thing apart.


      • #4
        Re: Movement at Torsion bar wishbone connection

        Difficilt without the parts in you own hand.

        I had a \'new\' upper wishbone pivot, bearings and end washer kit. Still enormous clearance issues.
        I ended up machining them to suit my upper arms.


        • #5
          Re: Movement at Torsion bar wishbone connection

          Never met a torsion bar that was loose, most are rusted on tight. If the movement is just between the torsion bar and the arm, I cannot see that it will matter as it does not locate the supension arm.

