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Sierra heater matrix

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  • Sierra heater matrix

    Hi All

    Does anyone have a spare Sierra heater matrix they could sell me? A trip to the Dales at the weekend ended with a ride on a recovery truck, after hot antifreeze started running out of the heater vents. The connections into the engine compartment are sound, so I can only assume that the matrix (radiator) has sprung a leak.

    I don\'t fancy the chances of Radweld (or an egg) fixing it. Equally, I don\'t relish trying to get the matrix out, as it was the first thing fitted and everything else was built around it. Has anyone else ever had this problem?

    First job is to wash and dry the carpets which are soaked with antifreeze. I hope I can get it all back together in time for the Dales weekend in July, or I will be leading you in a Focus. Incidentally, if you\'ve not booked yet and intend coming, please do so asap, and let me know your menu selections (see Pitstop).

    It also looks like we won\'t make Stoneleigh, so I hope the weather holds for you, it was great last weekend. Just a pity about the car, and after I\'d just taxed and insured it!

    Dave Kitson

  • #2
    Re: Sierra heater matrix

    Dave. Why not fit a temporary U-bend of pipe in the engine bay to isolate the heater circuit. I ran a Mk2 Cortina like this for months until I could source a new matrix. As long as you don\'t need the heater to supplement the engine cooling all it will do is give you a slightly faster engine warm up. All in time for Stoneleigh too! Peter.


    • #3
      Re: Sierra heater matrix

      I\'ve wondered in the past if you could remove matrix if the clutch pedal was out of the way as all that holds the matrix are 2 self tappers into the box[driver footwell side] Your local Serck Marston should be able to supply a new unit but why not bypass as Peter says in the meantime.


      • #4
        Re: Sierra heater matrix

        The car is mobile again. Rather than put a bypass on the heater, I simply disconnected it and plugged the ends. Seems to work! The proper repair will have to wait till later in the year, by when I might have found another matrix. Thanks for the suggestions.


        • #5
          Re: Sierra heater matrix

          Dave, don\'t you have to keep the heater circuit in the system to allow the block to heat up properly till the thermostat opens?


          • #6
            Re: Sierra heater matrix

            Dave, there are a few on ebay for sale.360367275165


            • #7
              Re: Sierra heater matrix

              Dave have you tried
              Ben Caswell probably not the last word on anything here!!


              • #8
                Re: Sierra heater matrix

                Hi Hugh
                I did wonder about that, as I know it is necessary on some systems. However, I noticed that the heater did not start leaking until things had started to warm up, ie the thermostat was opening. So I concluded that the heater and main cooling circuit were opening at the same time. The proof of the pudding....there does not appear to be a problem when I start it, nor once warmed up. It could be a feature of the set up I have, ie 4 SUs on a Boxer manifold.

                Bob, Ben - I\'ll keep an eye out, but I might get the old one out first to be sure what is wrong. It might only be a seal???
                Cheers - Dave

