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Exmoor Run

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  • Exmoor Run

    Exmoor Run
    We had a very good Exmoor run this year, Sue and I met up at Clackets Lane on the M25 and travelled down in warm sunshine,. went from Bromley to Taunton with the top down. Saturday stayed dry as well, but had the hood up as I had Helen as a navigator ( Hugh has sold his Marlin )
    We did a lot of the coast road, Watchet, Porlock, Lynton and Lynmouth as well as across the moor. Sunday came with some rain at night, but thankfully it was dry in the morning so took down dry tents. Hope Hugh does it again next year.

  • #2
    Re: Exmoor Run

    I loaded LOTS of pics on the Facebook Group and will put a few in the mag.


    • #3
      Re: Exmoor Run

      We had a super day out and I thoroughly enjoyed driving the Cabrio down some of the narrowest lanes on Exmoor. Very tight in places as some folks don\'t know how wide their car is and wouldn\'t get into the side.
      Many thanks to Hugh & Helen for all their hard work and the cake was lovely!
      The sun came out


      • #4
        Re: Exmoor Run

        Went straight to Exmoor from Stoneleigh with the hood down had a relaxing week with Hughes run to round off a good weeks holiday towing the folder a total of 450miles plus runs out solo.
        Ben Caswell probably not the last word on anything here!!

