well, all under the dash is now wired up, all the instruments seem to work, oil and ign light are on. fuel pump not wired in though - turn the key and the motor spins 
Wire up fuel pump, (colours dont match any wiring diagram I have!) and then three hours later the eec-iv unit is in and wired up too. I think i have got everything right and got rid of the wires I dont need, coupled it to the fuel pump via a relay. Ign on, fuel pump churns for a second and cuts out. I think thats whats supposed to happen
so just need to fit some sort of exhaust before i put fuel in and try it for real.

Wire up fuel pump, (colours dont match any wiring diagram I have!) and then three hours later the eec-iv unit is in and wired up too. I think i have got everything right and got rid of the wires I dont need, coupled it to the fuel pump via a relay. Ign on, fuel pump churns for a second and cuts out. I think thats whats supposed to happen
