We write to you now after a very difficult week for The Club , Members and Committee. I’m sure that a lot of you will have read postings on the Forum which give concern and make you ask questions of yourself and also, I’m sure of Committee Members.
In order that the whole situation that we find ourselves in can be appreciated by everyone I think it is important that you all know the full background regarding the website development and I ask that you allow me to share with you sections extracted from the approved Minutes of meetings at which this matter has been debated.
Extracts from Minutes of all Committee Meetings Containing References to Website Development
Ref 1 Abstract from Minutes of Meeting Nov’09
SR raised the matter of the webmaster [ a contact of hers] for whom the present daily rate agreed was £100 with a maximum of 3 days p/a. She stated that he had total control over the website and proposed that in order to get more commitment from him the daily rate should be increased to £200. Lengthy discussion followed DN feeling that the website should be controlled by members and RC asking if he [the present webmaster] would allow us to move the site to another webmaster. Others felt that the proposed rate was not acceptable without further information..
It was resolved that SR/RC present a full and detailed report to the next meeting
SR reported on the possibility of the Forum being a members-only facility but pointed out that if the Club wished to go down that route there would be a fair amount of admin work associated with it. Discussion followed and it was agreed that the present arrangement lead to a more open and friendly Club and that we should monitor the situation but take no action at present
Ref 2 Abstract from Mins of Mtg. Feb’10
SR reported that since the last meeting she had spoken to Tony Penn who was the present ‘Webmaster’ and he was happy to take on the redesign of the website at a special rate of £250 per day which in her experience was a good rate for that type of work. She added that at present she had 45% admin access but required 100% and that Mr. Penn understood the work involved. She estimated that there would be approximately 2 weeks work but later revised this to 3 weeks or £3000 - £4000 with a minimum cost of £2500.
Lengthy discussion followed the following points being made :-
LH – we need to decide whether or not to upgrade the website.
RC – he was advised that the present site was lacking; there was more potential in the site; a new site would get members back that we had lost;
BG – not happy to agree to expenditure without a more detailed explanation and a quotation procedure: would not agree to an open cheque situation
SR – the money will be well spent; would allow electronic ordering of Club Goods
RC – not prepared to do any investigation without a commitment from the committee
LB– saw difficulties in electronic ordering but that would not be her problem if it were introduced.
TH – did not find the website dated and was user friendly; saw no need to alter appearance but agreed SR should have admin access; in October the day rate quoted was £200 which was not accepted but it was now £250. Tabled details of other Clubs websites which he felt did not compare with present site; there were presently no monies in the draft 2010 budget
It was agreed that SR and RC investigate the matter further and report back to a future meeting with a draft homepage for consideration together with detailed costings up to a maximum of £3000; the outcome of this meeting could then be put to members for consideration at the AGM
It was agreed to hold this meeting at 17-00hrs on Saturday, May 1st at Stoneleigh
N.B. The above previously arranged meeting on 01/05 was cancelled by L.H. on 31ST April as there was nothing to discuss.
Ref 3 Abstract from Mins of AGM May’10
L.H Opens meeting.
Welcomes everyone, and informs all of a testing time for the club over the past year. How the committee have worked hard on cost savings, and announces that the committee are looking at a new website for the club.
Mrs L. Hitchings asked about the expenditure on the Website, LH responded that the matter would be brought back to Members before any costs were incurred. [S.R did not accept this minute]
Dave Cunnington voiced an opinion that non members should not be allowed onto the website, this was turned down as it was thought the club could encourage people to join when using the site.
Ref. 4 Abstract from Mins of Mtg May’10
Lee also brings up the subject of the new web site, the rest of the committee feel there is nothing else to talk about as Sue Roedel and Bob Cawte have a mandate to do the research on costs , design and any other issues arising from building a new web site.
Ref 5 Abstract from Mins of Mtg. Nov’10
SR and BC presented a Powerpoint Presentation to the committee indicating some proposals for a way forward to a new website; the conclusion being that the preferred option was to develop a new website with Ian Aubrey developing his Resteezi programme at a cost of £3295>£4000. Discussion followed on the presentation and the Westfield website was shown as being an example of good practice. SR confirmed that the costs tabled included VAT and that projected revenue costs would be in line with that presently existing. BG tabled an alternative proposal he had obtained from a MOC member, Cameron Furnival who was an I.T. professional. Following discussion LH instructed RC to contact Cameron and investigate the alternative proposal. Discussion took place over whether to commit to expenditure for the proposed new website. It was voted in favour to [ringfence] up to £4000 for the venture and agreed that i] The Treasurer include that figure in his 2011/12 budget for consideration at the next AGM and ii] the decision be published in the next PITSTOP.[BG and DN abstained from the vote on this decision] SR and BC would start preparatory work on the design on the basis that no financial commitment was to be made
Ref.6 Abstract from Mins of Mtg. Feb’11
RC reported that he had been asked after discussion with LH to halt the project as the budget was not approved. A meeting had been planned with Ian Aubrey to start the work and this was also cancelled.
Therefore nothing to report at this meeting. As the budget has just been approved by the committee (previous agenda item) what next?
If the meeting had taken place then web pages would be available today and an example of the website available for the AGM.
At the November 2010 meeting a presentation had been shown by RC & SR as a proposal for a new website.
Following this TH & BG asked Cameron Furnival (CF) to analyse and comment on the proposal. His report indicated that the cost may be reduce from £4000 to £1500 if it was possible to play on the not-for-profit nature of the club and had provided websites of 3 professional web designers including Cyberpharm (the company contacted by SR and RC).
DN had consulted the I.T. people at work and discussed specification and quotations.
The report had been circulated between some but not all members of the committee. LH had requested RC and SR to stop work on the website until after February Committee meeting.
Discussion continued on CF’s document
SR There has been no instruction from the committee to seek CF’s opinion.
The information was tabled and a proposal provided.
RC Generally the committee members have left the website progression to SR & RC who obtained 3 quotes for a ball park figure.
They hadn’t actually selected Ian Aubrey already but felt his proposal was good and therefore their preferred option. On the subject of cost it was explained that there is no cost for the Resteezi part. A number of websites had been shown with the best practice from each discussed.
RC considered that at a previous committee meeting it had been agreed for the £4000 spend to go forward.
TH discussed the cost of other websites – Westfield £850 from websitesbytigger and another car website by simplylogical.
The relevance of the exercise was to expand their knowledge and to help the club get best value for money by contacting a club member who is a professional in I.T.
RC expressed disappointment that no one had gone back to SR or RC to ask for more information or the specification that they had used to develop the proposal as they had fulfilled the requirement to table a proposal at the Nov 10 meeting.
The website needs someone to update it when required and therefore bringing the club into a professional relationship with a full time web-site company would meet this need.
BG wanted to involve club members in the development.
RC explained the process used and the club members already consulted were Patrick and Richard Short, MOC members who have a Sportster and are professional website builders and designers, 4 hours were spent discussing options with them.
This discussion provided unbiased advice from members and from this a template / specification was drawn up for MOC.
However Richard was not prepared to quote to build the website, so RC & SR went to 2 people who could be trusted and prepared to do the work.
Dave Cunnington and Keith Howell had also provided constructive advice
At this stage LH asked how can we move on? Cameron has volunteered to help the club so how do we move on with the website? Could RC & SR look at CF’s document and consider including the information?
The response from SR was negative; either continue with the work done so far and rebook the meeting with Ian that had been cancelled at LH’s request or hand the entire project over to CF.
Discussed item 3.5 of the constitution. “It (the committee) shall have the power to enter into negotiations and agreements with any authority or party for the benefit of members.”
Despite discussing the website for more than a year no money had been added to the 2010/ 2011 budget.
There were further discussions on cost prompting RC to propose spending no money at all on the website.
If RC and SR couldn’t be trusted to go forward they were not prepared to continue with the project.
TH Previous minutes record the approval of £4000 by the committee and a similar procedure was used for the magazine replacement project.
JM’s view was that the input from CF had come in a bit too late. We are looking for a strong, robust, well supported website that could well be more expensive than a website supported on a “goodwill” basis - if we go forward on goodwill we could end up in the same position as today waiting for a long time for updates and amendments
The committee should either support progress on the current proposal or shelve it.
BC and JM supported carry on as now.
LH suggested either a compromise including CF’s report or freeze the project.
TH stated that we couldn’t go to the AGM and ask for support for a proposal for any money to be spent if the market place had not been fully explored.
CF is offering to work with anyone to test the market to get the best for the club (but unable to take the work on himself)
The committee were generally disappointed that no decision could be made ….It was agreed to freeze the project
Ref.7 Abstract from AGM Mins May’11
The Chairman, Lee Hunter, who has now been chairman for 3 years, opened the meeting, he explained that the new website had been a “hot-potato” on the forum, resulting in a testing time for the committee and was pleased to announce that we are proceeding with a new site now.
Editors report – Sue Roedel : The website is being designed by Cameron Furnival and built by Ian Aubrey’s company, CyberPharm ……………………….(This had NOT been reported to, nor agreed by Committee)
Question from the floor – will Pitstop be on the new website, could it reduce costs? Answer - It costs £11.80 / year / person delivered at the moment, if members wish to choose to receive Pitstop electronically then there will be an option to opt out of the paper copy………(Note there had been no such agreement by Committee)
Question from the floor – will that then differentiate club membership by perhaps a reduction of £5? Answer - The website will need to be funded so after it is up and running a review of costs could be made.
Question from Lynda Hitchings, Last year at the AGM it was said that the website would be discussed and the progress would be fed back to members. There had been no feedback during the year
A heated debate took place.
Bob explained that the expenditure had not been included in the 2010/2011 budget, £4000 has now been allocated in this years budget and the expected spend is about £3,000. The process has been a page defining requirements, obtaining 3 quotes and based on those discussions started within the committee, only 3 weeks ago did the committee give approval to go ahead.
Question – how will website progress be communicated? Answer - In Pitstop and on the Forum
Question When the website is built can the minutes from the meeting be posted ? Answer - Yes Marlin Owners Club has always been a friendly club and the minutes of the AGM and committee meetings can be made available to members.
The members gave general approval for the 2011/2012 budget
Ref.8 Abstract from Mins of Mtg May’011
A meeting had been held on the morning of 1st May 2011 with Bob Cawte, Sue Roedel , Cameron Furnival, Ian Aubrey and John. The closest mock up was chosen for refinement by Cameron at no cost to MOC, to be returned to Sue, Bob, Ian and John by the end of May when this can be e-mailed as a link to committee members.
The finished article and design and work on the static pages to make it and the forum look like one site should be ready for the committee to view by end of June and then the site ready to publish by end of July.
Progress reports will be included in Pitstop and posted on the Forum.
Currently no expenditure as just exchanging e-mails, expect a one off payment at the end of design, then an annual support and maintenance charge.
There will be space built in to non-commercial links and advertising, plus a sponsored link – “click here for….” etc.
Pictures will be scrolling on the front page so that there is not just one car displayed.
Additional note made to previous minutes to record that Danny Nelson was also present at the meeting on 6th February with Brian & Tim when Cameron was consulted to seek the opinions of a professional computer expert, and club member, as to which was the best way forward.
All committee members held an extraordinary meeting by Telephone on Sunday 3rd April, eventually resulting in a majority vote that the website should go ahead. Note a written record of this meeting is required for the minute book. Lee agreed to provide a summary. Ben Caswell recorded the meeting so this is available if required.
Comments from LH on events from Nov.’09 throught to May’11
I believe that careful study of the above will indicate to Members that progress has been slow and painful. The majority of the Committee being continually frustrated by the lack of information being provided by Sue and Bob coupled with their failure to meet deadlines. When, on my direction, advice was sought from Cameron Furnival BSc[ Hons] MSc [ A MOC Member, Web Designer and I.T professional ] you will note that both Sue and Bob refused to even consider the Analysis of the Proposal despite the fact that his conclusion was to offer to work with them to produce a document from which formal quotations could be obtained, including Cyberpharm. [This document is available]
You should also know that when analysed, the author of the Powerpoint Presentation to the Nov.’10 Meeting was shown to be Cyberpharm, though the presentation was presented as the work of Sue and Bob. When challenged on this Bob accepted that it was Cyberpharms original document which they [Sue and Bob] had amended. Bob assured that there was no intent to be misleading, though with the knowledge of its origins it was hardly surprising that the preferred option was to go with with Cyberpharm
You should note that Sue and Bob were to produce a refined link by the end of May - no such link was produced, and the targets for the end of June were not achieved;
Events since May’11
No communications were received regarding the website until July 12th when Cameron Furnival wrote to all Committee Members telling them that he had gone as far as he could, after receiving instructions from Bob on at least a weekly basis and having carried out “a myriad of changes” He added a link to the proposed front page design. and indicated that a new designer was being consulted. This was a surprise to Committee but we were told later that day by Sue that she was “a bit miffed” that Cameron had taken it upon himself to inform Committee but she added that Bob was to see a new designer on 25th July. I stated my concern to them both , asked for an update before Pitstop went out and queried possible increase in costs. With other Committee Members I indicated my liking of Camerons work. 0n 14th July Bob Cawte wrote, criticising Camerons skills but at the same time acknowledging that the design as shown was “head and shoulders above any other club web site” but he was still involving another designer [ without Committee approval]
At this point 15th July Brian Gadd wrote querying Bob’s actions and asking for regular updates and stating his concern at possible further delays. On 26th July Bob wrote a factually incorrect and possibly libellous letter regarding Brian. I will not quote from it but I asked that Bob withdraw his remarks or consider his position on the Committee. On 27th July Bob emailed to me his resignation from the Club. Later that evening I emailed Committee of my intention to take over the website project and try to move it on. Sue’s immediate reaction was “ you won’t get away with that – I will also resign”. Following exchanges between us, including her refusing to communicate with other committee members, things reached a peak when on Friday 29th July Sue tendered her resignation as Editor.
Since that time many of you will have read the postings on The Forum by Sue and Bob venting their anger at Committee with incorrect facts, and attacking Committee members who all work extremely hard for YOUR Club and who, in my view are neither “technologically ignorant” nor “bigoted”. Interestingly I see that Bob has acknowledged, almost, that he was out of order in his attack on The Treasurer, but sadly I note that others are continuing in this vein.
I find it sad that our Club is in this situation and that I have to write this, and read comments on The Forum from a minority of sadly misinformed members who I’m sure have said what they have for what they believed at the time were the right reasons. I can now tell you that with Committee support I have asked Cameron Furnival to work towards the production of a new website within the budget approved and at the same time keep Committee informed of progress. Cameron is away at present but on his return will be asked to produce a detailed programme and fixed indication of costs.
Please support your Committee and we will produce the goods.
We shall also be releasing a further statement, once legal advice has been taken ref the agreement with Cyber farm and the account received, so far for works to date totalling a sum of £8700 against the Marlin Owners Club.
We write to you now after a very difficult week for The Club , Members and Committee. I’m sure that a lot of you will have read postings on the Forum which give concern and make you ask questions of yourself and also, I’m sure of Committee Members.
In order that the whole situation that we find ourselves in can be appreciated by everyone I think it is important that you all know the full background regarding the website development and I ask that you allow me to share with you sections extracted from the approved Minutes of meetings at which this matter has been debated.
Extracts from Minutes of all Committee Meetings Containing References to Website Development
Ref 1 Abstract from Minutes of Meeting Nov’09
SR raised the matter of the webmaster [ a contact of hers] for whom the present daily rate agreed was £100 with a maximum of 3 days p/a. She stated that he had total control over the website and proposed that in order to get more commitment from him the daily rate should be increased to £200. Lengthy discussion followed DN feeling that the website should be controlled by members and RC asking if he [the present webmaster] would allow us to move the site to another webmaster. Others felt that the proposed rate was not acceptable without further information..
It was resolved that SR/RC present a full and detailed report to the next meeting
SR reported on the possibility of the Forum being a members-only facility but pointed out that if the Club wished to go down that route there would be a fair amount of admin work associated with it. Discussion followed and it was agreed that the present arrangement lead to a more open and friendly Club and that we should monitor the situation but take no action at present
Ref 2 Abstract from Mins of Mtg. Feb’10
SR reported that since the last meeting she had spoken to Tony Penn who was the present ‘Webmaster’ and he was happy to take on the redesign of the website at a special rate of £250 per day which in her experience was a good rate for that type of work. She added that at present she had 45% admin access but required 100% and that Mr. Penn understood the work involved. She estimated that there would be approximately 2 weeks work but later revised this to 3 weeks or £3000 - £4000 with a minimum cost of £2500.
Lengthy discussion followed the following points being made :-
LH – we need to decide whether or not to upgrade the website.
RC – he was advised that the present site was lacking; there was more potential in the site; a new site would get members back that we had lost;
BG – not happy to agree to expenditure without a more detailed explanation and a quotation procedure: would not agree to an open cheque situation
SR – the money will be well spent; would allow electronic ordering of Club Goods
RC – not prepared to do any investigation without a commitment from the committee
LB– saw difficulties in electronic ordering but that would not be her problem if it were introduced.
TH – did not find the website dated and was user friendly; saw no need to alter appearance but agreed SR should have admin access; in October the day rate quoted was £200 which was not accepted but it was now £250. Tabled details of other Clubs websites which he felt did not compare with present site; there were presently no monies in the draft 2010 budget
It was agreed that SR and RC investigate the matter further and report back to a future meeting with a draft homepage for consideration together with detailed costings up to a maximum of £3000; the outcome of this meeting could then be put to members for consideration at the AGM
It was agreed to hold this meeting at 17-00hrs on Saturday, May 1st at Stoneleigh
N.B. The above previously arranged meeting on 01/05 was cancelled by L.H. on 31ST April as there was nothing to discuss.
Ref 3 Abstract from Mins of AGM May’10
L.H Opens meeting.
Welcomes everyone, and informs all of a testing time for the club over the past year. How the committee have worked hard on cost savings, and announces that the committee are looking at a new website for the club.
Mrs L. Hitchings asked about the expenditure on the Website, LH responded that the matter would be brought back to Members before any costs were incurred. [S.R did not accept this minute]
Dave Cunnington voiced an opinion that non members should not be allowed onto the website, this was turned down as it was thought the club could encourage people to join when using the site.
Ref. 4 Abstract from Mins of Mtg May’10
Lee also brings up the subject of the new web site, the rest of the committee feel there is nothing else to talk about as Sue Roedel and Bob Cawte have a mandate to do the research on costs , design and any other issues arising from building a new web site.
Ref 5 Abstract from Mins of Mtg. Nov’10
SR and BC presented a Powerpoint Presentation to the committee indicating some proposals for a way forward to a new website; the conclusion being that the preferred option was to develop a new website with Ian Aubrey developing his Resteezi programme at a cost of £3295>£4000. Discussion followed on the presentation and the Westfield website was shown as being an example of good practice. SR confirmed that the costs tabled included VAT and that projected revenue costs would be in line with that presently existing. BG tabled an alternative proposal he had obtained from a MOC member, Cameron Furnival who was an I.T. professional. Following discussion LH instructed RC to contact Cameron and investigate the alternative proposal. Discussion took place over whether to commit to expenditure for the proposed new website. It was voted in favour to [ringfence] up to £4000 for the venture and agreed that i] The Treasurer include that figure in his 2011/12 budget for consideration at the next AGM and ii] the decision be published in the next PITSTOP.[BG and DN abstained from the vote on this decision] SR and BC would start preparatory work on the design on the basis that no financial commitment was to be made
Ref.6 Abstract from Mins of Mtg. Feb’11
RC reported that he had been asked after discussion with LH to halt the project as the budget was not approved. A meeting had been planned with Ian Aubrey to start the work and this was also cancelled.
Therefore nothing to report at this meeting. As the budget has just been approved by the committee (previous agenda item) what next?
If the meeting had taken place then web pages would be available today and an example of the website available for the AGM.
At the November 2010 meeting a presentation had been shown by RC & SR as a proposal for a new website.
Following this TH & BG asked Cameron Furnival (CF) to analyse and comment on the proposal. His report indicated that the cost may be reduce from £4000 to £1500 if it was possible to play on the not-for-profit nature of the club and had provided websites of 3 professional web designers including Cyberpharm (the company contacted by SR and RC).
DN had consulted the I.T. people at work and discussed specification and quotations.
The report had been circulated between some but not all members of the committee. LH had requested RC and SR to stop work on the website until after February Committee meeting.
Discussion continued on CF’s document
SR There has been no instruction from the committee to seek CF’s opinion.
The information was tabled and a proposal provided.
RC Generally the committee members have left the website progression to SR & RC who obtained 3 quotes for a ball park figure.
They hadn’t actually selected Ian Aubrey already but felt his proposal was good and therefore their preferred option. On the subject of cost it was explained that there is no cost for the Resteezi part. A number of websites had been shown with the best practice from each discussed.
RC considered that at a previous committee meeting it had been agreed for the £4000 spend to go forward.
TH discussed the cost of other websites – Westfield £850 from websitesbytigger and another car website by simplylogical.
The relevance of the exercise was to expand their knowledge and to help the club get best value for money by contacting a club member who is a professional in I.T.
RC expressed disappointment that no one had gone back to SR or RC to ask for more information or the specification that they had used to develop the proposal as they had fulfilled the requirement to table a proposal at the Nov 10 meeting.
The website needs someone to update it when required and therefore bringing the club into a professional relationship with a full time web-site company would meet this need.
BG wanted to involve club members in the development.
RC explained the process used and the club members already consulted were Patrick and Richard Short, MOC members who have a Sportster and are professional website builders and designers, 4 hours were spent discussing options with them.
This discussion provided unbiased advice from members and from this a template / specification was drawn up for MOC.
However Richard was not prepared to quote to build the website, so RC & SR went to 2 people who could be trusted and prepared to do the work.
Dave Cunnington and Keith Howell had also provided constructive advice
At this stage LH asked how can we move on? Cameron has volunteered to help the club so how do we move on with the website? Could RC & SR look at CF’s document and consider including the information?
The response from SR was negative; either continue with the work done so far and rebook the meeting with Ian that had been cancelled at LH’s request or hand the entire project over to CF.
Discussed item 3.5 of the constitution. “It (the committee) shall have the power to enter into negotiations and agreements with any authority or party for the benefit of members.”
Despite discussing the website for more than a year no money had been added to the 2010/ 2011 budget.
There were further discussions on cost prompting RC to propose spending no money at all on the website.
If RC and SR couldn’t be trusted to go forward they were not prepared to continue with the project.
TH Previous minutes record the approval of £4000 by the committee and a similar procedure was used for the magazine replacement project.
JM’s view was that the input from CF had come in a bit too late. We are looking for a strong, robust, well supported website that could well be more expensive than a website supported on a “goodwill” basis - if we go forward on goodwill we could end up in the same position as today waiting for a long time for updates and amendments
The committee should either support progress on the current proposal or shelve it.
BC and JM supported carry on as now.
LH suggested either a compromise including CF’s report or freeze the project.
TH stated that we couldn’t go to the AGM and ask for support for a proposal for any money to be spent if the market place had not been fully explored.
CF is offering to work with anyone to test the market to get the best for the club (but unable to take the work on himself)
The committee were generally disappointed that no decision could be made ….It was agreed to freeze the project
Ref.7 Abstract from AGM Mins May’11
The Chairman, Lee Hunter, who has now been chairman for 3 years, opened the meeting, he explained that the new website had been a “hot-potato” on the forum, resulting in a testing time for the committee and was pleased to announce that we are proceeding with a new site now.
Editors report – Sue Roedel : The website is being designed by Cameron Furnival and built by Ian Aubrey’s company, CyberPharm ……………………….(This had NOT been reported to, nor agreed by Committee)
Question from the floor – will Pitstop be on the new website, could it reduce costs? Answer - It costs £11.80 / year / person delivered at the moment, if members wish to choose to receive Pitstop electronically then there will be an option to opt out of the paper copy………(Note there had been no such agreement by Committee)
Question from the floor – will that then differentiate club membership by perhaps a reduction of £5? Answer - The website will need to be funded so after it is up and running a review of costs could be made.
Question from Lynda Hitchings, Last year at the AGM it was said that the website would be discussed and the progress would be fed back to members. There had been no feedback during the year
A heated debate took place.
Bob explained that the expenditure had not been included in the 2010/2011 budget, £4000 has now been allocated in this years budget and the expected spend is about £3,000. The process has been a page defining requirements, obtaining 3 quotes and based on those discussions started within the committee, only 3 weeks ago did the committee give approval to go ahead.
Question – how will website progress be communicated? Answer - In Pitstop and on the Forum
Question When the website is built can the minutes from the meeting be posted ? Answer - Yes Marlin Owners Club has always been a friendly club and the minutes of the AGM and committee meetings can be made available to members.
The members gave general approval for the 2011/2012 budget
Ref.8 Abstract from Mins of Mtg May’011
A meeting had been held on the morning of 1st May 2011 with Bob Cawte, Sue Roedel , Cameron Furnival, Ian Aubrey and John. The closest mock up was chosen for refinement by Cameron at no cost to MOC, to be returned to Sue, Bob, Ian and John by the end of May when this can be e-mailed as a link to committee members.
The finished article and design and work on the static pages to make it and the forum look like one site should be ready for the committee to view by end of June and then the site ready to publish by end of July.
Progress reports will be included in Pitstop and posted on the Forum.
Currently no expenditure as just exchanging e-mails, expect a one off payment at the end of design, then an annual support and maintenance charge.
There will be space built in to non-commercial links and advertising, plus a sponsored link – “click here for….” etc.
Pictures will be scrolling on the front page so that there is not just one car displayed.
Additional note made to previous minutes to record that Danny Nelson was also present at the meeting on 6th February with Brian & Tim when Cameron was consulted to seek the opinions of a professional computer expert, and club member, as to which was the best way forward.
All committee members held an extraordinary meeting by Telephone on Sunday 3rd April, eventually resulting in a majority vote that the website should go ahead. Note a written record of this meeting is required for the minute book. Lee agreed to provide a summary. Ben Caswell recorded the meeting so this is available if required.
Comments from LH on events from Nov.’09 throught to May’11
I believe that careful study of the above will indicate to Members that progress has been slow and painful. The majority of the Committee being continually frustrated by the lack of information being provided by Sue and Bob coupled with their failure to meet deadlines. When, on my direction, advice was sought from Cameron Furnival BSc[ Hons] MSc [ A MOC Member, Web Designer and I.T professional ] you will note that both Sue and Bob refused to even consider the Analysis of the Proposal despite the fact that his conclusion was to offer to work with them to produce a document from which formal quotations could be obtained, including Cyberpharm. [This document is available]
You should also know that when analysed, the author of the Powerpoint Presentation to the Nov.’10 Meeting was shown to be Cyberpharm, though the presentation was presented as the work of Sue and Bob. When challenged on this Bob accepted that it was Cyberpharms original document which they [Sue and Bob] had amended. Bob assured that there was no intent to be misleading, though with the knowledge of its origins it was hardly surprising that the preferred option was to go with with Cyberpharm
You should note that Sue and Bob were to produce a refined link by the end of May - no such link was produced, and the targets for the end of June were not achieved;
Events since May’11
No communications were received regarding the website until July 12th when Cameron Furnival wrote to all Committee Members telling them that he had gone as far as he could, after receiving instructions from Bob on at least a weekly basis and having carried out “a myriad of changes” He added a link to the proposed front page design. and indicated that a new designer was being consulted. This was a surprise to Committee but we were told later that day by Sue that she was “a bit miffed” that Cameron had taken it upon himself to inform Committee but she added that Bob was to see a new designer on 25th July. I stated my concern to them both , asked for an update before Pitstop went out and queried possible increase in costs. With other Committee Members I indicated my liking of Camerons work. 0n 14th July Bob Cawte wrote, criticising Camerons skills but at the same time acknowledging that the design as shown was “head and shoulders above any other club web site” but he was still involving another designer [ without Committee approval]
At this point 15th July Brian Gadd wrote querying Bob’s actions and asking for regular updates and stating his concern at possible further delays. On 26th July Bob wrote a factually incorrect and possibly libellous letter regarding Brian. I will not quote from it but I asked that Bob withdraw his remarks or consider his position on the Committee. On 27th July Bob emailed to me his resignation from the Club. Later that evening I emailed Committee of my intention to take over the website project and try to move it on. Sue’s immediate reaction was “ you won’t get away with that – I will also resign”. Following exchanges between us, including her refusing to communicate with other committee members, things reached a peak when on Friday 29th July Sue tendered her resignation as Editor.
Since that time many of you will have read the postings on The Forum by Sue and Bob venting their anger at Committee with incorrect facts, and attacking Committee members who all work extremely hard for YOUR Club and who, in my view are neither “technologically ignorant” nor “bigoted”. Interestingly I see that Bob has acknowledged, almost, that he was out of order in his attack on The Treasurer, but sadly I note that others are continuing in this vein.
I find it sad that our Club is in this situation and that I have to write this, and read comments on The Forum from a minority of sadly misinformed members who I’m sure have said what they have for what they believed at the time were the right reasons. I can now tell you that with Committee support I have asked Cameron Furnival to work towards the production of a new website within the budget approved and at the same time keep Committee informed of progress. Cameron is away at present but on his return will be asked to produce a detailed programme and fixed indication of costs.
Please support your Committee and we will produce the goods.
We shall also be releasing a further statement, once legal advice has been taken ref the agreement with Cyber farm and the account received, so far for works to date totalling a sum of £8700 against the Marlin Owners Club.