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Committee Statement that all members will receive soon in pitstop

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  • #16
    Re: Committee Statement that all members will receive soon in pitstop


    VBulletin was what the intended base for the forum was planned by Bob and me. However the website as a whole was not going to be wholly bulletin style because you can't use that platform easily and clearly for Membership applications, Club goods, Club history etc. All that would have had its own pages.
    We looked at totally forum based websites but they are not as good looking or manageable as website pages with a CMS (content management system). Administration and independence for the finished product was essential.


    • #17
      Re: Committee Statement that all members will receive soon in pitstop

      Crikey ! I think I'll stick to debugging my EFi system!
      Marlin Berlinetta 2.1 Efi


      • #18
        Re: Committee Statement that all members will receive soon in pitstop



        • #19
          Re: Committee Statement that all members will receive soon in pitstop

          Doesn't work like that, I am afraid Steve, it's not a bbs powered forum where threads can be pushed back up to the top. I wish it were.


          • #20
            Re: Committee Statement that all members will receive soon in pitstop

            Now if we had a modern website............


            • #21
              Re: Committee Statement that all members will receive soon in pitstop

              It worked in so far as it keept the announcement in the 'show only new posts' filter so will be more readily visible to those who might be latecomers to the latest news and are waiting for Pitstop etc.
              I would have thought it would have been linked in the yellow banner, highlighting an important message?

              Still, for the next couple of days LeJog is more important.


              • #22
                Re: Committee Statement that all members will receive soon in pitstop

                Finally, after several unexplained delays I have copies of the minutes I originally requested on 6 August.
                Now I have some serious reading to do.


                • #23
                  Re: Committee Statement that all members will receive soon in pitstop

                  And no doubt further digs at the committee and your own opinions on what you read (read into) these minutes. May I suggest you read them, form an opinion and keep it to yourself for a change? If we don't see you on this forum again we can take it that you have left the Marlin Owners Club in disgust and if you are still willing to participate then things aren't as bad as you first thought. Personally I would like it to be the latter as you have proved many times that you have a great interest in all things Marlin but let’s leave it there. The new web site will be up and running soon and I hope meets with everyone’s approval. The End.


                  • #24
                    Re: Committee Statement that all members will receive soon in pitstop

                    I totally agree with you.


                    • #25
                      Re: Committee Statement that all members will receive soon in pitstop

                      I don't see why Steve can't form an opinion on the minutes he has finally received and publish it. The committee were careful to lay blame on me and Bob for things we apparently didn't do and they managed to carefully hide the fact that they stuck the knife in both our backs when it came to the website. It is clear from the minutes that there was resistance and
                      indifference all the way for a new website and when the work finally started, we were sabotaged. Dramatic as that may sound, we were sick of the resistance and negativity that we
                      kept meeting and it had been an incredibly stressful time getting to the point where we could start work. Things came to a head, Bob resigned out of pure frustration then Lee insisted on taking on the project from me. I told him not to insist or I would resign as well. The very next day he announced to the committee that he had taken control. If that's not a kick in the teeth I don't know what is. In the professional world this is known as constructive dismissal. You guys don't know the half of what went on.

                      I have been battling for a long time over whether to stand
                      again as Editor as it was never my intention to resign. I would love to return but I do wonder whether I want to be on a committee that is not open and honest and sticks the knife in to its own.

                      Was there really any reason to delay sending the minutes out to a member who requested them?


                      • #26
                        Re: Committee Statement that all members will receive soon in pitstop

                        At the top of this page you will find its title is Discussion Forum. By definition then, it is a place for personal opinions to be expressed and debated.

                        This does not mean that personal defamation is acceptable behaviour. Certainly those contributions do not demonstrate that this is a friendly club.

                        In the committee’s statement, they complain about the misinformed. In an effort to make myself more informed, I accepted their offer of copies of the minutes.

                        Unfortunately, when I finally received the documents there was no explanation for the delay. The delay actually caused more than one committee member some embarrassment as a few weeks earlier I was told that I should have had the minutes by then.

                        The same minutes are available to all MOC members who seek a better understanding of the Committees decision making process. In future we are told that these minutes will be available on the new website.

                        What I do with any conclusions I reach, as a result of reading the documents provided, are for me to share as I think appropriate. If members wish to counter my conclusions, at least make yourself familiar with the same MOC approved documentation.


                        • #27
                          Re: Committee Statement that all members will receive soon in pitstop


                          Your problem was that you had formed an opinion and had a lot to say about it without knowing all the facts. Despite being asked to wait, you continued to lecture others.
                          It is still very clear that you are now marshalling facts to continue your dogmatic opinion.

                          What really irritates me (and obviously many others)about your posts are the pious statements about "being open", and "wanting a democracy" and "supporting the MOC".
                          The covert messages from your posts are "Steve Green is dictatorial". "Steve Green does not listen to anyone else's view" Steve Green's views are more important than anyone elses"

                          I have never been moved to write this type of post before, but am sick of your comments, and unlike Adrian, I'd rather you took option 1.

