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Membership Secretary

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  • Membership Secretary

    I address this to all Members of Marlin Owners Club and those non members who have seen fit to make comment on the website situation.
    During the last weeks I have suffered a stroke, followed by a heart attack and spent nights in a total of five hospital beds; I have had a further stent inserted in my heart and been admitted to hospital for cardio version. Following this I was told on Tuesday that I could re-commence driving, however, yesterday I returned to hospital to be told that there is a real risk of another stroke, that I should not drive and that another MRI scan had to be carried out. The Consultant is clearly of the view that I am at risk.
    The events in M.O.C. have been followed by me, and along with all other Committee Members I have supported your Chairman in what we believe to be a worthwhile cause, which was to get The New Website up and running. The critical comments placed on the Forum by a number of uninformed, though I’m sure well - intentioned people, I have found offensive both to myself, Lee, and The Treasurer. I will acknowledge the comments that many of you have made regarding Sue’s past work for The Club.
    The hours put into MOC business recently are beyond belief, and in return, there is for me no satisfaction with so much criticism, incorrect accusations and downright lies. I am also aware that Lee, Brian, Danny and Ben are of the same view. Please stop talking about autocratic decisions; there have been none.
    You should all know that at no time has The Treasurer voted against the website project. The only time at which I voted not to proceed, was when I felt that the procurement methodology was flawed and that the Committee was not being presented with three quotations; I was in a minority and accepted the view of the majority of The Committee; though interestingly Tony Penn now tells us that he withdrew from the quotation process, so there were never three quotations [Having spent my working life dealing with many aspects of procurement/competitive tendering I do know what I am talking about]
    It is with the above facts [and they are facts] before you I ask you to understand why I contacted The Chairman this morning and told him of my intention to formally resign as Membership Secretary within the next 48 hours, though if he and members wanted me to I would be willing and I hope able to continue to process membership applications through until the end of November which, from The work point of view could be the ideal time to hand over to who-ever it may be.
    I hope that you see and understand the reasons for my decision; but at the moment the continuation of my life with my family is the most important thing and the politics of MOC must take second place.
    Thank you all, who have joined MOC and have become friends since I joined in 1998, for all the good times we have enjoyed and the support you have given both to Sue, my wife, and to myself and the rest of The Committee.
    Please continue to support events, I hope to be able to join you,
    Kind Regards
    Tim Hawkesworth
    [former Membership Secretary,

  • #2
    Re: Membership Secretary

    May I be the first to thank Tim for his service to the MOC and wish him well for the future.
    I know as well as anyone that personal health is one of the most important things and it transcends many other issues.
    Thankyou also for giving the members notice so that a replacement can be found in good time,

    I am sure the general membership will join me in wishing you well for the future.


    • #3
      Re: Membership Secretary

      Many thanks Tim for all your hard work. Two heart attacks & a stroke is enough and no more stress is needed. Hope you will be allowed back on the road soon. Best wishes
      Liz & Doug


      • #4
        Re: Membership Secretary

        Hi Tim
        we spoke on the phone one morning about towing a Marlin behind a camper van. I hope you recover soon I never did tow and sold the Marlin last year
        Regards John


        • #5
          Re: Membership Secretary


          I am genuinely sorry that you are stepping down from the committee.
          I understand the reasoning why you have made your decission. As with yourself my partner suffers ill health, we and our families dont need the stress of negative comments from certain members of which I feel has contributed to your resignation.

          Keep in touch Tim

          Regards Bob and Su.


          • #6
            Re: Membership Secretary

            Hi Tim, Many thanks for your time on the committee and I know we spoke atleast 10 times today but many many thanks for your great work....I will take you up on your offer until November if thats ok ?....

            Think you all should also know that I am considering my future on the committee as the last 12 months have been terrible and the last 2 weeks have be so so bad. I have always done my best for this club and its members and when you read members comments about you, all of which I called friends you think is it really worth it...........I for one want to see my daughter grow up

