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  • IVA

    The dreaded IVA!! Is there a Marlin/Club document detailing the requirements of the IVA test that is specific to the Cabrio.
    Cheers Pete

  • #2
    Re: IVA

    Hi Pete what stage is your cabrio at ? A good source of info I'd Dave Kitson he has been through iva several times


    • #3
      Re: IVA

      Hi Pete,
      My cabrio was the first to go through IVA. There were not too many issues overall. My IVA failures were:

      Radius failure around the wings. Solved by fitting a rubber strip all the way around.

      Nut heads in the front suspension area failing radius tests. I got nut covers over all the exposed heads and put concertina plastic covers over the adjusting nuts on the track rod ends.

      Wires not in sleeving (These were to the indicator repeater and to the side lights).

      Radius failure on the heater, passenger side, there is a large square block. I cut it off and filed down the remains.

      Speedo calibration. Mine worked well up to 35 mph then went mad and showed 70. It was an ETB unit and I had to re-mount the sensor onto the diff.

      Chassis plate was on LHS of car and split over two lines. I had to re-punch the chassis number on the RHS.

      No VIN plate. Bought one and punched chassis number on it.

      No warning lable near brake fluid reservoir detailing type of fluid to be used.

      Not quite failures but could cause issues:
      I had Cobra 7 seats with harness slots and and full harness belts. The slots were 1mm too low. I managed to persuade the examiner the seat would compress 1mm with me in it.

      We could not find an engine number on the engine. (It turns out there was one but really hard to find). I demonstrated the age of the engine with: 1 Haynes work shop manual showing engine details, 2: Wikipedia listing of engine fitment dates. This was sufficient to convince the examiner that the engine was a carburettor base engine of the appropariate vintage and he tested it accordingly.

      As far as I can remember that is all I failed on.

      But if you have any questions just post here or email me at chris (dot) cussen (at) talktalk (dot) net


      • #4
        Re: IVA

        Ni,not quite the same subject, but do any of you guys based Exeter area have a favoured M.O.T. tester who recognises a Marlin.? Cheers Chris


        • #5
          Dunno, but you could alway ask Mark at Marlin, as they are no based too far away


          • #6
            Hi Chris.
            My replies to this thread seem to have been lost in the website change?

            I use Jewells Garage at Lords Meadow, Crediton for the Hunter because they used to do the MOTs for Marlin cars so are familiar with "our" cars.

            For my classic I use W W Pretty in Topsham as they understand classic cars. Maybe a bit nearer for you too :-) Peter.


            • #7
              thanks Peter, I know Pettys Garage so will probably go to them, Cheers Chris


              • #8
                Re: IVA - slightly confused!

                The DVLA have sent me a form to fill in V627/1 so I can get the car inspected - presumably to issue a vin. However, they also have sent me the V55/4 for first tax disc - which they want me to send in with the V627/1 - i cant do this as it hasnt been iva tested adn I cant get it tested without a vin! To compound matters there is no chassis number anywhere in the car that I can see (its a YKC Romero). Have looked in all the usual places...if anyone has a similar car please tell me where your number is!

                I guess the chassis number has to be stamped into the frame but the vin (if different) can be on a plate? Im just going round in circles! Someone tells me I cna make up my own VIN: how about v05aRstup1d1di0ts ?

                Seriously if anyone can help...


                • #9
                  Re: IVA - slightly confused!

                  Hi Cameron,
                  The Marlin factory fixed number is on the side of the nearside front csassis member. It is an oblong metal tag welded each end and the production number stamped on it. This was the same on the Marina based roadster. Some dvla would accept this as a VIN number and some would not. It was okay in early years but towards the end of manufacture some dvla offices were saying that there were not enough digits and were giving out numbers with approx 16 digits. You can make your own number and fix it to the chassis, although I have heard of at least one dvla or mot station that insisted on this being stamped on the chassis. Personally I would make a plate, or better still buy one of the quality items that John Mulvaney is ordering and have your own personal vin engraved on. Might be a good idea to do an alloy one stamped with the number and fixed on the bulkhead untill everything is sorted and then replace with the quality item.


                  • #10
                    Re: IVA

                    chassis !!!


                    • #11
                      Re: IVA

                      I think DVLA issue VIN numbers. This is to ensure they are unique. Maybe worth a phone call and a bit of persistance.
                      My Marlin had its VIN on a plate on the nearside, however it was split across two lines.
                      As a result I failed IVA as the chassis number should be on the offside and continious.
                      IVA requires that the chassis number should be permanantly marked on the car so:
                      I got a set of punches and re-punched the number on the offside, and fixed a VIN Plate next to it, again with the chassis number on it and I punched "Marlin Cabrio" as make/type and no other details VIN plate.
                      This passed.
                      I got my plate from this site

                      This document confirms the DVLA issues VINs
                      Last edited by chris_cussen; 03-06-12, 07:57 AM. Reason: typo, add refrence to DVLA document


                      • #12
                        Re: IVA

                        Thanks for the advice guys, there is definitley nothing welded on to the chassis legs Danny, no plate, nothing stamped...nothing. I might look around for a scrapped chassis and steal its number, might be easier.
                        Yes, I think plate will look nice and I will probably get one though the nice engraved ones the club is doing might be a bit costly just now.


                        • #13
                          Re: IVA

                          Hi Cameron,
                          Do you intend going through IVA?


                          • #14
                            Re: IVA

                            hi Danny I dont think I have much choice...any advice gratefully received


                            • #15
                              Re: IVA

                              Hi Cameron,
                              I don't think you will have much choice either.
                              I suggest you get a copy of the IVA manual and work through it checking off the points as you do them. Common failures seem to be radius of sharp objects. Remember they may be able to get the 100mm dome into the front wheel arch so all nuts/bolts need to have some covering.

                              Once you think you are road worthy and have a VIN number you can get it insured. I then took mine for an MOT for two reasons. One was to get it independantly checked over. The second was to drive it!
                              The MOT does not cover the IVA tests but should give you confidence that everything is put together OK. It would be inconvienient to get to IVA and fail on something that could have been picked up in the MOT.
                              My Cabrio was the first to go through IVA, but quite a few Sportster owners (like Jason aka. GOO) have gone through too. Don't hesitate to ask.

