Message originally posted by: Stefan Carlton
Currently I store my hood folded on the parcel shelf (the space above the petrol tank and below the spare wheel is open on my car), but if I go ahead with my plan of getting high backed seats access into that area will be very tight.
I notice in an old Technical Tips article it suggests you roll the roof and use the existing pins to keep it held down - does anyone do this and have pictures I could see? Failing that, what does everyone else do?
Ideally I'm hoping to take the car touring this summer (or next) and would love to maximise storage space within the car as well.
Any ideas appreciated
Currently I store my hood folded on the parcel shelf (the space above the petrol tank and below the spare wheel is open on my car), but if I go ahead with my plan of getting high backed seats access into that area will be very tight.
I notice in an old Technical Tips article it suggests you roll the roof and use the existing pins to keep it held down - does anyone do this and have pictures I could see? Failing that, what does everyone else do?
Ideally I'm hoping to take the car touring this summer (or next) and would love to maximise storage space within the car as well.
Any ideas appreciated
