I have got a YKC folding hood frame on my marlin roadster but I am intrigued to know what the YKC Hood bag looks like, is it a bag that you put the hood in and store it or is it like a cover that sits over the hood when it's rolled up on the back of the car? Can anyone send email me some photo's of the hood bag in situ so I can see how it is used? I have a special email address set up it is anerin2000(at)yahoo.co.uk
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YKC Hood bag question!
Re: YKC Hood bag question!
Hi Ben
I have just recieved both the folding frame and hood bag from YKC. I can't complain about the quality but not overly happy that there are no instuctions or fitting kit. I would be happy to send you a photo of the bag when it is fitted. Could send me some photos of how you fitted the folding assembly to your car.
PS. I don't intend keeping this hood bag as it is light brown and my car is red with balck trimming; must talk to YKC!!
email: almyland(at)aol.com
Cheers Alan
Re: YKC Hood bag question!
Message originally posted by: Steve Smith
Hope these have attached and can be opened OK. Not sure if they'll help. I've still got my draft YKC build manual which should have hood fitting detail. I say should because as it was a draft and not all detail is included(YKC never bothered to complete it and I got fed up chasing them!)