Found a New company on the web doing luggage racks which may be suitable for Marlin owners,they go by the name of Icon Developments
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Luggage Racks
Re: Luggage Racks
Message originally posted by: Stefan Carlton
On this topic, and to test the picture uploading jobie, I'm making my own luggage rack. I cut the now warped wood (I've had it in storage for over a year) and sized it up on the back of the car today - have a look at the photos for a laugh!
Suffice to say I'll be needing my trailer board!
Re: Luggage Racks
Message originally posted by: Stefan Carlton
Well, someone remarked it looks like a coffin I'll admit! As for the weight, it's bloody heavy - it's a lot of 1/2" marine ply after all. My thoughts are is that the bigger space allows for the same amount of stuff to be packed in easier, but I'm thinking I'll have to look towards a tow-bar trailer come next years touring plans - the weight over the rear axles will mean I'm bottoming out even more.
Still, make it too big and it can be cut down.