Nasty knocking from the drive train last week. A regular 'ping' that sounded like something was clipping a bolt head as everything was going round.
First thought was the UJ's on the prop shaft, but that was too easy!
Spent the weekend changing the gearbox and checking tightness on the clutch cover, but that hasn't fixed the problem either!
Adversity forces you to think, so a quick drive down my road confirmed that the frequency of the noise was speed related but not revs related. So the problem has to be behind the gearbox, and since it isn't the prop, this leaves the diff - or am I missing something?
I've known diff's grumble, but not a regular knock like this. Has anyone had similar experiences?
Any thoughts /suggestions appreciated.
First thought was the UJ's on the prop shaft, but that was too easy!
Spent the weekend changing the gearbox and checking tightness on the clutch cover, but that hasn't fixed the problem either!
Adversity forces you to think, so a quick drive down my road confirmed that the frequency of the noise was speed related but not revs related. So the problem has to be behind the gearbox, and since it isn't the prop, this leaves the diff - or am I missing something?
I've known diff's grumble, but not a regular knock like this. Has anyone had similar experiences?
Any thoughts /suggestions appreciated.