Hi guys iv damaged the front suspension on my marlin.
Its a marina 1.8 T C based.
1986 year.
Going by the haynes manual iv damaged atleast the swivel pin and stub axle right handside.
Is ther any where i can i buy new parts or do i need them repaired?
Then steering arm went through the tyre but got a new one in the shed. Also the wing is smashed but i might be able to get one of them from a friend.
Thanks steven.
Its a marina 1.8 T C based.
1986 year.
Going by the haynes manual iv damaged atleast the swivel pin and stub axle right handside.
Is ther any where i can i buy new parts or do i need them repaired?
Then steering arm went through the tyre but got a new one in the shed. Also the wing is smashed but i might be able to get one of them from a friend.
Thanks steven.