I am currently trial assembling my Hybrid Marlin. From the marks and blue silicone sealant on my old bulkhead it seems there may have been a gasket between the bulkhead and the pedal box. Is that correct, if so are they available or should I make one myself. It seems rather thick... Maybe 3mm?
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Pedal box gasket
Re: Pedal box gasket
Thanks, I had forgotten I have a Haynes Manual! I'm a silly old sod...
I wonder if the Marina has a pressed lip which strengthens the panel around the pedal box. There is a distinct gap all around the periphery of the aluminium casting even when the bolts are all tightened.
Me thinks I need a Marlin build manual for these details.
Re: Pedal box gasket
Hi Robert, quote from my build manual "Two pieces of aluminium angle are provided to spread the load and are fitted from inside the cockpit at top and bottom". No mention of any gasket, although maybe the sealer was to stop any water running down the bulkhead getting into the footwell. Hope this helps.....Chris
Re: Pedal box gasket
Always rememberng the retrofit bracket fitted to some roadsters, designed to eliminate bulkhead cracking, perhaps most prevalent on those cars with non-servo brakes.
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