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Soft top front fixings

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  • #16
    Re: Soft top front fixings

    I fitted 1/4 turn catches on my Berlinetta, I described this in a pitstop article some years ago?
    It does mean you need to have the screen frame machined in order to fit catch plates.
    I have found them easy to use and leak proof, the only modification I would do is to fit 3 or 4, I only used 2

    I will try and attach some photos (with luck) which will show the installation.

    Dave H.


    • #17
      Re: Soft top front fixings

      2nd attempt to post photos?
      Fingers crossed.

      Dave H
      Attached Files


      • #18
        Re: Soft top front fixings

        I have been following this thread as I want to improve the method I use on my Roadster. I would like to be able to have the hood up but not fit the side screens and I am not sure my current "stretcher" method would work (I guess I should pluck up courage to find an empty road and simply try it out). Anyway, with the difficulties of mounting a catch that doesn't compromise the hood material, I wondered if anyone has ever tried reversing the problem and put tensioners at the back of the hood as per the diagram? I suppose it is another variant of the stretcher concept but I was interested to see if anyone had tried it and what the results were


        • #19
          Re: Soft top front fixings

          @ keithh The Berli hood fits flat on the top rail, does the roadster hood hook over the front of the frame as standard?
          Front egde Berlinetta roof.jpg
          @ david hunt 1952 I like the look of that but retro machining those slots in the screen frame would not be easy.


          • #20
            Re: Soft top front fixings

            Originally posted by rog8811 View Post
            @ keithh The Berli hood fits flat on the top rail, does the roadster hood hook over the front of the frame as standard?
            @ david hunt 1952 I like the look of that but retro machining those slots in the screen frame would not be easy.
            Hi Roger

            That is a very good question (and a very clear drawing). I think the answer is yes. I also just noticed that the Sportster currently on the first page of the website also sees to have the same system. If true, what do Marlin themselves do on the Sportster



            • #21
              Re: Soft top front fixings

              I had time to do some work in the the roof on Saturday, I discovered many things about attaching roof clips

              The shoulder bolts needed modifying to make the threaded part to the shoulder long enough to go well into the nut.

              Shoulder mod01.jpg

              The clips assemblies went on easily, with 2 done the roof was easy to close.... with 4 fitted the shoulder bolts fouled in the screen frame and stuck so I have removed 2 of the pins, I still have 4 clips.


              The clips had to be fine tuned to bring the roof edge in contact with the screen frame all the way along BUT due to the clips being on the inside edge of the screen frame the front of the the roof tilts when toggled up so I will need to thicken up the foam rubber at the front edge to stop ingress of water....


              So the berli is cuddled up in its new waterproof cover until the seal material arrives.
              Attached Files

