marnia based lockheed master cyl. the pedel goes almost to the floor befor the piston rod finds resistance in the cyl. i changed the fluid which came out black. bled the system but still the same pedel travel.can not see any leaks would you say the master cyl. is at fault? are the referb kits any good?. thanks for any advice. the slave cyl. replaced 8000 miles ago. any advice on the repair would be nice.
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clutch pedel travel
Re: clutch pedel travel
Although my experience is with Ford parts I would say from experience that black fluid means a completely shot m/cylinder (as the black stuff is years of worn master cylinder metal dust in the fluid). Don't even think about repair kits with these symptoms, just replace the whole cylinder. If you strip it on removal you will see whyPeter.
Re: clutch pedel travel
What Pete says! For peace of mind in any case replace cylinder - the original is probably 20 years plus by now even if it was refurbed when it went in! Try ebay item 350438023774
Re: clutch pedel travel
i doubt that the discolouration is 'metal dust' as there should be no metal to metal contact -that's what the seals are there for. More likely that the rubber is breaking down after years of useage together with water absorbsion from the atmosphere, that's why fluid changes are recommended every couple of years. Seal kits are generally fine, just make sure that there is NO serious corrosion to the bores.Oh , and make sure the seals are fitted the right way round otherwise you'll get no movement.