In my original Roadster build manual it said that the wedges between the axle spring pad and the spring should be fitted with the “wide end to the front of the vehicle”. Therefore lifting up the nose ( flange end ) of the differential. However looking at the Marina Owners club web site it seems to suggest that the wedges should be fitted the other way round so that the nose of the diff is tilted down. What is the correct way of fitting the Wedges ? Or can I dispense with the wedges altogether ?
I assume that the wedges are there to correct an original design cock-up on the Marina, either to align the prop-shaft better or to lower the nose of the diff to improve the pinion bearing lubrication. Does anybody know the real reason ?
I assume that the wedges are there to correct an original design cock-up on the Marina, either to align the prop-shaft better or to lower the nose of the diff to improve the pinion bearing lubrication. Does anybody know the real reason ?