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HIF44/HIF6 manifold to carb spacer

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  • #16
    Re: HIF44/HIF6 manifold to carb spacer

    Isnt tapering the spacer a waste of time. The carb will be pulled up by the studs, and they will still be in the same relative place so will not close the gap created.


    • #17
      Re: HIF44/HIF6 manifold to carb spacer

      Originally posted by dogoncrazy View Post
      adrian have been through my CD files with no success on finding any pictures that may have helped. Do you have photo of your install as it may stir the memory?
      Find attached a picture of the installation.

      Remember this carb is fitted to am MG Metro manifold.



      • #18
        Re: HIF44/HIF6 manifold to carb spacer

        Originally posted by stevejgreen View Post
        Isnt tapering the spacer a waste of time. The carb will be pulled up by the studs, and they will still be in the same relative place so will not close the gap created.
        Hi Steve

        mmmm should have thought of that, I was thinking of thinning the spacer.



        • #19
          Re: HIF44/HIF6 manifold to carb spacer

          Can't quite see whether or not that manifold is water heated. The MG metro one was and was alloy. Also it should have a vacuum take off on the other end from the servo vaccuum which if i remember corectly is where the dizzie takes it's connection from. I used the Marina exhaust with the combined inlet removed by CAREFULLY grinding so as not to break through into the exhaust port. Using these two units together you end up with a 'step' in the mounting lugs which I got round by 'stepping' the washer. There where a number of aftermarket manifolds available at one time all I think based on the MG unit [Minisport/Howley/Mangoletsi/Janspeed etc] but possibly with slight differences in length /mounting face angle.
          Engine was 1275 A plus with MG Metro pistons, Minisport stage 2 unleaded and Minisport cam[the nearest in profile to a MG metro that they did] and Aldon dizzie. Carb used a BDL needle I think.
          The car can be view on this site under the Roadster section, look for Q765 BAU [blue in colour]. Regretably the photo of engine is wrong side.
          Hope the info is of ome use. Regards Alan


          • #20
            Re: HIF44/HIF6 manifold to carb spacer

            Hiya Alan

            It is a MG Metro one but there were two types, mine is without being water heated.

            It is still a one piece manifold but, along with the float chamber being underneath the carb and not along side it, coupled with the heat shield this is regarded as a good solution to the standard problems with the old type set up.

            The Vacuum take off for the servo is on the top of the manifold, you can just see the metal pipe going off in parallel to the rocker cover towards the back.

            The Dizzy vacuum advance comes of the back of the carb, the thin pipe going off to the left above the oil filler.

            If you look in most of the A series tuning books they all say that the MG Metro Manifold is as good as it gets along with the HIFF 44 or HIF 6 carb connected to it.

            Many thanks for your help.



            • #21
              Re: HIF44/HIF6 manifold to carb spacer

              my mistake on the dizzy vacuum, it was off the carb like yours. i'm confused over the 'onepiece' manifolds though as my understanding was that the other variants of the metro had that arrangement whilst the MG had the separate units with the inlet being in alloy and heated via the cooling system though at my age I could be mistaken!


              • #22
                Re: HIF44/HIF6 manifold to carb spacer


                Its now my turn to apologise, its a metro manifold, still reckoned to be as good as the split MG one unless you are going to want top end grunt.

                Its been a long day.

                Last edited by listerjp2; 26-11-12, 06:59 PM.

