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Petrol stabilizers - good or bad

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  • Petrol stabilizers - good or bad

    I have a generator that comes with it the recommendation that petrol stabilizer is used if it is going to be stored (not fired up) for more than 30 days. I don't SORN my car but occasionally I suspect it is more than 30 days between runs. They recommend that carburretors are drained and I certainly run my 2-stroke garden hedge cutters dry at the end of each use so that there is no fuel to evaporate in the carb to leave oil behind. I guess the real one to look out for is petrol in spare cans. It is suggested that petrol can start to "go off" after about 2 weeks. Is this the stabilizer makers scaremongering to sell more product or is there any truth in it? Does anyone use an additive or has anyone had any bad experience with it?

  • #2
    Re: Petrol stabilizers - good or bad

    My outboard has petrol in it from one year to another. As long as you drain the carb. and keep it airtight in the tank or can, I've had no problem starting and running well 6/8 months later.
    Due to circumstances beyond my control, my Roadster has been sat outside the garage most of last year. I keep the tank almost full to reduce the air in contact with the fuel and start it about every 3 months and it has always started second kick and run OK.
    Again I switch off the fuel pump and run it till it stops to drain the carbs.


    • #3
      Re: Petrol stabilizers - good or bad

      Wasnt Fuel Stabiliser part of the Conservative Party's General Election manifesto and is meant to reduce the effect of rising oil prices on the cost of filling up your car

      If it wasn't I would agree with Hugh.

      I have left fuel in a tank for years, I think the most was six years, and the engine still started. That was in pre ethanol days and could well have been Four Star.

