Hello to you all, early this month I bought myself a new toy via ebay - a bright red Marlin roadster Mk 2, I believe it was built by a member of this group at about the mid 1980s, it appears to have the MGB engine and gearbox fitted, I bought it from a nice chap called Bob, from Enderby. The motor was a laugh driving home for the first 60 - 70 mile but the exhaust noise was a killer ( New exhaust to be sorted ) so I put the old motor in my garage and never touched it for two weeks, she then decided that a big sulk was the order of the day and refused to start, so I ripped everything off her ( old fuel lines and all ignition parts) then raided ebay --- I bought her to tinker with and that's just where we are now -- tinkering ! by the way, she starts fine now ( The dizzy cap electrode spring was faulty)
