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Roadster clutch woes

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  • Roadster clutch woes

    Hi, I'm after a bit of advice on the clutch of my Marina based roadster. I went into the garage to start her up after a couple of weeks of standing there. On pressing the clutch pedal, before switching on, there seemed to be a slightly different feel to the pedal halfway down, then everything felt normal. Thought it may just be due to the cold, although the garage is bone dry and quite warm considering.
    Anyway, she fired up but the clutch isn't working at all, although the pedal feels right with the normal amout of pressure required to push it down, and the clutch activating arm is moving as it should. I noticed that the slave cylinder appears to be a loose fit in the housing but when looking at it operating, the activating arm seems to travel the right distance.
    My guess is the clutch isn't freeing, the friction plate stuck to the flywheel, but I have rocked it back and forth in every gear.
    Would the pedal pressure still feel exactly as normal if this were so, and has anybody got any ideas please.
    The clutch has been fine until now, and still feels fine, but it ain't working!

  • #2
    Re: Roadster clutch woes

    Originally posted by Gareth View Post
    Hi, I'm after a bit of advice on the clutch of my Marina based roadster. I went into the garage to start her up after a couple of weeks of standing there. On pressing the clutch pedal, before switching on, there seemed to be a slightly different feel to the pedal halfway down, then everything felt normal. Thought it may just be due to the cold, although the garage is bone dry and quite warm considering.
    Anyway, she fired up but the clutch isn't working at all, although the pedal feels right with the normal amout of pressure required to push it down, and the clutch activating arm is moving as it should. I noticed that the slave cylinder appears to be a loose fit in the housing but when looking at it operating, the activating arm seems to travel the right distance.
    My guess is the clutch isn't freeing, the friction plate stuck to the flywheel, but I have rocked it back and forth in every gear.
    Would the pedal pressure still feel exactly as normal if this were so, and has anybody got any ideas please.
    The clutch has been fine until now, and still feels fine, but it ain't working!

    Clutch slave on a Marina is a loose fit. It souds as though the clutch plate is 'stuck' on the flywheel but everything else is fine.
    When you say you have fired it up, was that with the wheels on the ground? I'm slightly confused as to what you have tried.
    Is the clutch permanently engaged or disengaged?


    • #3
      Re: Roadster clutch woes

      Hi Steve, yes I started the engine in neutral, on the ground, and put the clutch down and tried to put it in gear and the gears crunched.
      When switched off, and the car in gear, any gear, and the pedal depressed, it tries to turn over the engine when moved, so the clutch isn't freeing at all.


      • #4
        Re: Roadster clutch woes

        Sound like the Clutch plate is 'stuck' to the Flywheel but otherwise everything is working. Normally trying to start in gear would free it up, but it might be best to simply let the engine warm to normal temperature and then try again.
        Not a totally unusual circumstance.


        • #5
          Re: Roadster clutch woes

          Hi Gareth,

          Try running the engine for a while to get it fully warm and then turn it off and try putting the car into second gear and press the clutch then try to start the car.Leave youself room for the car to move. With a bit of luck it will free off straight away. If not put the car up on axle stands and run the car in gear with the clutch depressed and then cover the brake gently but firmly until it frees off.

          I would drive the car down the road with my foot on the clutch gently accelerating and slowing it should come unstuck in the end.
          Ben Caswell probably not the last word on anything here!!


          • #6
            Re: Roadster clutch woes

            I was hoping it was something like that and just looked on Fastmarina site and there is a couple of ideas for sorting it. Just don't want to take the engine out as I'm due in the hospital for a major op soon and wouldn't be able to do that. I'll let you know how I get on. Cheers for the quick reply.


            • #7
              Re: Roadster clutch woes

              Thanks folks! Got the engine really hot in the garage, the neighbours came around thinking the worst! Rocked it back and forth loads of times and it finally freed.
              Moral of the story, use it or loose it!


              • #8
                Re: Roadster clutch woes

                I had the same thing hapen on my Cabrio last weekend, I just jacked the rear end up and ran it with the clutch pressed also pressing the brake peddle then it freed off.

